Feelin better today :-)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Well im almost afraid to say it incase i jinx my self but im feeling much better today,

Hubby dragged me out for a walk yesterday and I was shattered when we got back so went to bed early n had decent sleep and was only up 3 times to pee

Think it realy done me the world I still have mild nausea but not as bad as usual, I even cleaned the house today went out to do some shopping AND made a propper home made dinner for the first time in weeks, kept it all down and had some nice fruit for desert too and wait theres more I even managed to make tomorrows lunch for work so i dont end up getting junk food again :) well am i on a roll or what

Dont know if it was the exercise in the fresh air or purely a coinkidink but something has worked, Just hope it stays :)
glad to hear you are feeling better :) everyone has thier days, I was in tears earlier this morning.... cant remember why now but OH just doesn't know what to do with me hehe x
aw hope ya feelin better now if you cant remember what upset you :) Men realy just dont get how were feeling at all and so hard to put into words
I'm feelin a lot better 2day, Friday was my worst day so far. Not had much nausea today, and im hopin it's cos I'm nearly 10 weeks (a quarter of the way through!!) and the nausea is startin to wear off. Luckily I have a scan on Wednesday so I can reassure myself everything is ok with Pip. boobs still soreand very bloated though so takin that as all is ok!

Glad ur feelin better hugsy xx
Yes it turns out I am in fact a Jinx and my body was playing a very mean trick on me having me think i was on the up then I wake up today and propper trow up all morning all that yucki bile tummy linling kind ( sorry way TMI) and have been hanging on by a tread in work all day to stop my self puking at my desk :-( worst day so far
Glad your feeling better im waiting for my "burst of energy" it better come soon cos the house is a bloody mess!! xx
Oh it was short lived just posted my update right before ya lol and Im million times worse today :-( at least the house will look ok for a few days now well once I dont puke all over it too much hehe
Aw sorry missed it must have posted together!

I feel a bit sicky but basically just being a lazy moo!!

Managed to turn dryer on and load dishwasher but thats it xx

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