Feel so useless....... Bit of a moan


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Grrrrrr I feel so let down by my body - after discovering I was either 4 or 5 months pregnant in December - we have now had the all clear that everything has gone but my body just doesnt want to play..... :( I am pretty sure that I havent ovulated and my cycle seems never ending. I just want to be normal and stand a chance of trying again.

It doesnt help that I have this loud bloody ticking in my ear - I'm 42 in March and it just seems so old...... :(

Sorry ladies dont expect anyone to answer me but just wanted to scream and shout a bit.......
Don't give up! Keep at it!
I'm 38 in April and Tom is my first.
Have you tried acupuncture to get your cycles back to normal?
I swear acupuncture got me pregnant!
My sister-in-law is 41 shortly - she gave birth to her first last summer at 40. Given she's still breastfeeding, I don't rate her chances of getting pg again before her 41st very highly, and they're planning on more kids. She doesn't think age is an issue.

I don't think it's much to do with age, actually - more to do with recovery from trauma. I think you're being a bit hard on your body, expecting it to snap back into ovulating on CD14 when it's only just managed to resolve the 5 months of ectopic! Give yourself a break :wink: :hug: Anyway, at least you have an excuse to carry on BDing - as though you two needed one! :rotfl:
hey you im sorry to read this, i cant aoffer you any advice really wish i could but just wanted to say that you are no where near old you are many many years away,

it will happen for you soon hun i just know it will,

PM me anytime you need me hun :hug: :hug:
Dont give up I am 38 and it took me a while to get pregnant, but got there in the end

I was 40 when I had my 1st, had a miscarriage the year before and took me 8 months to fall again, we're hoping for another baby and I have told myself not to think of my age, we're not at the stage of ovulation tests etc, i think if it happens it happens, easier said than done but try not to think about it and just enjoy the 'trying' bit!!!!

I turned 37 a few weeks ago and we're going to back to trying again for our first baby once I ovulate again after my miscarriage, still no sign of ov so I can empathise a bit with your upset and frustration :hug: :hug:

I'm determined not to have an only child so I'll more than like be trying to conceive when I'm around your age so I definitely don't think you're old! :lol:

Not much help but I just wanted to say you're not alone and we're all here for you and wishing you get your BFP really soon :hug: :hug:
Awww please dont give up hope, one of my mums friends had a healthy baby at 45, so 42 defo isnt too old!

I wish you all the luck in the world hun , and try to stay postive! :hug:

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