Feel so ill & fed up! (Rant Warning!)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Well im truely fed up! Who said 2nd Tri u bloom??? They we're lying in my case :(

I feel so sick constantly and cant stand any food, I'm having to force food down just so that I'm eating but not enjoying anything at all. I feel so weak all the time because of it but just cant face hardly anything to eat, I've lost lots of weight because of it.

I have headaches all the time & im so tired I could sleep forever! I just generally feel 'rough' all of the time and its really beginning to get me down, I feel like my life consists of feeling ill and not much more. :cry:

One of my mates has steamed ahead and arranged my hen night, basically she has arranged it selfishly so that everyone else enjoys it and not thought about me being 5 1/2 months pregnant, cant drink & probably tired etc so im going to have to tell her that im not happy with the arrangements and that I did say that I wanted to arrange it myself! Shes also invited loads of people I dont even know.... HELLO! its MY hen night isn't it?? :wall:

OH is not well so he's ratty and tired which isnt helping. Just having a crappy day and needed a rant, sorry! Hugs & sympathy welcome!
non of my friends were even bothered about my hen night.. i arranged it all myself.. they were crap.. even the 4 bridesmaids i had were crap and only 2 of them came on the night...

if i were u i would say sorry but im cancelling ur ideas and going with.... say a spa day.. u need to enjoy it.. get a lovely massage even if just say u n a few friends go.. u dont need a hen night where everyones getting drunk around u...
oh sorry hun i obviously missed this.

anyway hope your ok hun sending you loads of hugs from me and my princess, give me a shout if you need me anytime hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you still feel so crap still. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Maybe like prev person said you could see if you can rearrange it into a spa day or something for just a few close friends and then a nice meal after (if your appetite is better)

Just keep trying to remember that it will all be worth it at the end of the day though when you are holding your LO :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Poor thing, she is just being selfish about the hen, its terrible you still feel so ill I do sympatise honestly :hug:
Really sorry to hear this. Hope you're feeling a bit better now. Have you managed to rearrange it? I'm sure she thinks she's being helpful, but I'd be peeved in your shoes, too.
Aw hun :hug:

I feel like sh*t too!!! Spent last night crying on the sofa because my SPD was so bad, it is getting increasingly worse, everytime I moved I was in agony, it was horrible :(

This is so much worse than my last pregnancy!

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