Feel really rotton...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Just had some food about half hour ago, and now feel really rotton all of a sudden.

Feel sick, shakey, hot and cold and like I'm about to burst into tears. Plus a headache which I've had all day.

Baby has not stopped moving today, I dont know what is up with him, he's just so squirmy today, which is really unusual.

Was at hosp this afternoon and BP was normal.

Hate feeling this way :puke:

Any idea why baby would be doing the aga-do at this point; i honestly thought there wouldnt be much room at 37.5 weeks!

And OH has gone to work so I'm all alone, I hate feeling sick and being on my own; think i will run a bath and hopefully it will make me feel better.

Feeling right sorry for myself. :?
sorry you're feeling poo :hug: i dont know why it might be

my baby is really squirmy these days too and we're at the same stage
Have a :hug: shadow. I have just had my nightly throwing up in the bathroom...nice! Daniel has been fidgeting lots recently which makes me feel worse.

Try to relax and maybe pop a pillow under your bump if you're laying down, I find that this can really help me.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Oh dear :hug:

That doesn't sound too good; maybe you've caught a bug or something you ate disagreed with you?

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
hope you feel better soon chick-like others have said maybe you have a tummy bug or somrthing. :(

Have some :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww, it is not nice feeling so ill on top of all the other pregnancy rubbish we have to put up with. Hope you feel better soon! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I used to feel like this sometimes and I used to go and stand in the garden and cool down and get some fresh air. I think sometimes its the baby pressing on nerves and remember that as baby grows your lung capacity is reduced aswell so you can get a bit dizzy and breathless. I ended up at the doctors one morning because I felt so dizzy and like I couldn't breathe.

you ok today ?

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