Feel poorly **update back from midwife 39+4**


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Im feeling really poorly this morning, my headache Ive had for a week is now banging, I feel really dizzy and sick. Im bit scared as Im on my own :cry: I have midwife this morning which I have to walk to and its pouring :( Im in 2 minds whether to call OH and get him to come home from work??


Well as I expected really, my BP is high 140/90. It was 148/95 in hospital last week and they panicked :? it came down after a while though in hospital. Middy said if my headache gets any worse Im to go straight to hospital but she 'doesnt think' its preeclampsia as I have no protein in my wee and if i had it then there deffo would be protein there. I just hope she is right. She think sbubs will be here by wknd, I think that was to make me feel better. She is shocked how big I am :lol: I have to rest loads, pref sitting or laying down. She said she will see me next at home, I bloody hope so :cheer:
oh sweetie, you're really not having a good time recently are you? i think getting him home for work would be understandable, or gethim to pay a taxi fare if he can't???

I cant get him at the mo, have to wait until 10am when he on break. I got my back door wide open so its nice and cold which is helping a bit. I think baby wont be too long, or I hope...he is pushing down so much today, feels like he gonna come out my bum :shock:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Def get your OH to come for you, that's part of his job (looking after you!).
I hope you feel better soon!

And that little Nemo decides to swim out very soon! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im just gonna walk to the midwife, very s-l-o-w-l-y. Cant get OH so I got to. Something esle really weird, I cant wee!?!! I need ot do a sample for middy and I cant...havent wee'd all morning and have drunk lots. I'll mention it when I go there. My appointment is 10.45am will take me about half hour to get there ( usually 10mins but with these feet its slightly longer :lol: )

Hope you're OK Tilly :hug:
Sounds like your little man is getting ready to make his appearnace to me :D especially if he feels like he is coming out of your bum!!

Take care walking to the MW - why can't she come to you if you feel poorly
Hope it all goes well and fingers crossed you'll be popping pretty soon- it sounds like it's quite near.

Hope the walk is ok.

Alex xxx
Hope everything goes well with the MW :hug: xx
hope you made it there ok hun :hug:
i :pray: that theses are signs of imprending labour :pray: :dance: though im sorry your in so much pain :hug: :hug: :hug: let us know how it went

sarah :hug:
Sounds like it wont be long until James is born now.

Sounds like it may be your BP up again (the symptoms you described)

Myabe your body is getting ready to labour.

Hope you are ok and that your MW has sent you to maternity unit :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well one possitive thing, maybe the walk will encourage him to get a move on!!!! :D

Wont be long for you now!
i felt ill the night before i went into labour, i was convinced i was comingdown with something.

maybe its a sign :hug: :hug: :hug:
just replied to you other post and it dissapeared :lol:

glad you Mid wife is going to come and see you at home next time you shouldnt be walking that distance when you feel this bad.

hope your blood pressure gose down you need to rest :sleep: and get you OH to look after you and pamper you. you desreve it hunny!!!!!!!!:hug: :hug: :hug:

sound like your James is on his way and you will have him in your arms soon :cheer:

sarah :hug: :wave:
I am glad there wasn't protien in your urine and that she will come to you next time.

I really hope things ease up for you soon Tilly. :hug:

I believe like your midwife, James will be here very soon :pray:
OH isnt amused, he just text saying FFS its nothing but drama :? He doesnt want to sleep over so I have someone here as he'll miss playing computer :wall: Thats upset me a bit :cry:
Tillytots said:
OH isnt amused, he just text saying FFS its nothing but drama :? He doesnt want to sleep over so I have someone here as he'll miss playing computer :wall: Thats upset me a bit :cry:

awww sweetie thats not on!! :x sending mental swift hard kick up the arse to your insensitve OH

You are so not being a drama queen oh im so mad at this :x

I'd like to see him try being 39 plus weeks preggers and see how long he manages it :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
urgh im furious for you hun :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tillytots said:
OH isnt amused, he just text saying FFS its nothing but drama :? He doesnt want to sleep over so I have someone here as he'll miss playing computer :wall: Thats upset me a bit :cry:

Awwww hun :hug: :hug:

I'm dropping you a PM :)

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