Feel like ive went back


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
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:wall2: Feel like i am back in the first three months...

My sickness in the morning has never left (i was the same with my DS sick till the day after he was born in the mornings)

Just feel as if my sickness is coming back worse i am back to being really tired constantly :shakehead: im not happy lol i want to glow and have loads of energy :(

Any 1 have the same?x
Aww hugs! I haven't had any sickness but I am knackered and sore most of the time now. Roll on 8 weeks and 3 days lol.x

Over the last few days I've felt as though my sickness is creeping back in. Have felt awful over the last few days. I'm tired a lot now and so uncomfortable, how I'm going to last another 10 1/2 weeks I don't know! I also feel kinda like I'm back in tri 1. Xx
My sickness has come back just as bad as it was in tri 1! It's horrible, don't have much of an appetite cause I just feel whatever I eat is going to come back up!

I feel for you!

My sickness has come back just as bad as it was in tri 1! It's horrible, don't have much of an appetite cause I just feel whatever I eat is going to come back up!

I feel for you!


Thats the same as me :wall2:

Well i guess its not fair on u all either but nice to know its not just me. :)

Hope we all better soon.

Pinky i think im gettin to the uncomfortable stage soon as im starting to get sore/restless sitting or lying for to long:mad:
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I find that if I sit up for a while, when I go to lay down I have to do it slowly or it hurts my sides! Hurry up and come back comfort is all I can think!

there is a few of us on this date so u not alone lol

Do uknow what u having? obviously a child lol boy or girl?
haha least i hope its a child! yeah, a little boy :) you?
boy gosh how weird the other girls are boys to on our date haha
how strange! Suits me fine though, always wanted a boy and really thought it was gunna be a girl!

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