Feel like im not pregnant


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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If im honest, im looking for a bit of reassurance :oops: its just I woke up today feeling like im not pregnant anymore because i feel quite good today with energy for a change. I thought my bloated belly looked smaller too and im just scared incase something has happened and I wont know for another 5 weeks. On the plus side though, I haven't had any spotting at all or any really painful cramps although I dont think you need to have both of these? I did have one of those feelings this morning that feels like stretching so thats surely a good sign? When would a doppler work?
i know exactly how you feel hun...woke up a few days last week and spent the time worrying myself silly cos i didint feel at all pregnant! id gone from feeling really sick all day to absolutely nothing and even had this awful feeling i was going to come on my period! was really scared that id go to my scan on monday and something had happened to LO even tho i hadnt had any bleeding or cramps or anything....anyway just wanted to say that from what iv read every pregnancy can be different, some women dont even get any symptoms. but if you are worried then maybe speak to your doc or something....im sure there'll be more reassuring words than these from the more experienced members! :hug: as for my symptoms they came back with a vengance this morning.... :puke:
i couldnt get my head around the fact that i was pregnant til i was about 9 of 10 weeks, i just didnt "feel" pregnant. but ive been told alot of women dont feel pregnant til they get their bump or see their scan. its a mental hurdle u have to get over. im sure everyting is fine but i understand why ur a bit worried, i THINK u can use a doppler now but i dont think u can always hear anything at this stage. make the most of ur energy cuz u never know how ur gonna feel tomrrow :hug:

ps i cant belive ur 7 weeks already! :D feels like only yesterday u were posting in ttc about ur really faint bfp lines!
Hi Im like you 7wks, and don't feel preggers but its nothing to worry about at this stage I am the biggest worrier in the world, but symptoms come and go you will relax when you have had your 12wk scan as i probably will. I know with me I can almost not believe it as i have been trying for so long. All will be fine im sure for us both Dustyx
dina.marie said:
i couldnt get my head around the fact that i was pregnant til i was about 9 of 10 weeks, i just didnt "feel" pregnant. but ive been told alot of women dont feel pregnant til they get their bump or see their scan. its a mental hurdle u have to get over. im sure everyting is fine but i understand why ur a bit worried, i THINK u can use a doppler now but i dont think u can always hear anything at this stage. make the most of ur energy cuz u never know how ur gonna feel tomrrow :hug:

ps i cant belive ur 7 weeks already! :D feels like only yesterday u were posting in ttc about ur really faint bfp lines!

I know me either! In a way its flying in but at the same time its a long wait til 12 weeks. This pregnancy thing is all about waiting isn't it! Waiting to ov..to test..to do more tests to make sure.. to get a doc appointment.. to get their positive results back..to scan.. then it will be till the next scan.. :lol: Must be weird when you actually have the baby and not having to think abotu all this anymore!
its from 9-10 weeks you can hear a heart beat with a doppler BUT not all women hear it, its very hard to find the position etc
Anna23 said:
its from 9-10 weeks you can hear a heart beat with a doppler BUT not all women hear it, its very hard to find the position etc

D'oh i'll just have to be patient then :wall:

woohoo just got another stretchy feeling
Hiya shiney
I am feeling the very same as you. I got the date through for my 12 wk scan but havnt even posted it in here, as for over a week now i havnt felt pregnant at all! I had been having terrible all day nausea, some twinges, tiredness, sore boobs and then, last week they all dissapeared! The only symptom i am still having is achy boobs when i take my bra off at night (no where near as painfull as they had been) i dont even really feel like i have got a bump...i can still sleep on my belly at night comfortably. I havnt even put on any weight! My scan is on the 10th of Oct so still just over 2 wks to wait, when does the worrying stop lol!

Dont worry hun.........I never had any sickness through my pregnancy and only recently started to feel pregnant, hard not to when you start wobbling...rather than walking normally :D

Make the most of it and Im sure everything is just fine!
Im feeling exactly the same!!! Dont really feel pregnant yet, I do have sore nipples and feel a bit bloated but apart from that im ok really. It does make you worry doesnt it!!! We are all in the same boat :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel the same. In fact today I have really worked myself up into a bit of a frenzy.

I am only 5 weeks, but last week I had a fair bit of nausea and tiredness. This week I feel better. Although today I am having a few moments of feeling sick but I feel it is more likely nerves than morning sickness. I took my BBT this morning and it was kind of low: 97.86, whereas after Ov it was above 98. I rang the doctor and she didn't really reassure me, saying that if symptoms have disappeared it's not a good sign, but all I can do is wait to see what happens. Obviously I am worrying about the possibility of a missed miscarriage.

I really hope that I am worrying for nothing. I am throwing out the thermometer. But, you're already at 10 weeks, so your chances of a miscarriage now are even less. I am sure you are fine. Enjoy the relief from nausea. :hug:

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