feel huge!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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My bump has grown so much in the last week. I keep thinking it will double again if it does it will look like im carrying a 2year old. I just wonderd how much bigger do you get? Ladies who are 38 to 40 weeks are you alot bigger than what you was at 30 weeks. I dont no why but ive got it in my head my bump will double lol
Blimey I hope not, I don't think there's any more room for mine to grow much more! x
lol after i posted this i realised i should only get to 40cm but as im measuring big now maybe more x
Im a bit bigger than i was at 30 weeks, but not majorly.
However, after the mother in laws roast tonight, I'm huge!!!
Not sure how much is baby and how much is food!
I feel huge too huni, had a painter in n he said to me as when u due about 4 weeks?? I'm like eh no 10 weeks aghh lol I am measuring 5 weeks ahead so got scan on Friday :) xx
i really want another scan but they arent to botherd im measuring about two cms bigger. Every time somone measures me they get a diffrent number lol x
Yep I feel massive lol! at my 34 week appt I was measuring 45cm! So got another mw appoint tomorrow so let's see what I measure now lol xxx
I'm measuring spot on, but I lose count of the people that ask me when I am due and say 'oh, I thought you would have said in a couple of weeks!'. I reckon I just look bigger because I'm short - there's less room for baby to grow so only way is outwards rather than upwards! xx
Yeah I agree kirsty! people always saying I look like I'm carrying twins etc! I'm only 5ft 4 so think everythIng does go outwards when your shorter! Xx

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