Feel crappy and emotional today :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Money situation is really bad at the moment. Looks like we've not got a house anymore, my family won't accept my OH because of things in the past that he's said/done, which makes everything 10 times worse for me :( and another stress is I want my mum at my birth.. no idea how having OH and mum in same room together will go!

And I know this is so stupid and selfish of me, but my boyfriends brothers girlfriend is 7 weeks further on then I am, but because of complications (losing fluid and having a small baby) it looks like she's been induced before Christmas. This makes me sad because she gets to meet her baby and I've got to wait til March :( Plus all my OH's family only seem bothered about her baby and never ask about mine or ask how I'm doing etc. All attention has been on her.

I probably sound like a spoiled brat, but I can't help it.
Don't even know what anyone can say, cos I'm been a right stresshead. Just worrying nothing is going to work itself out for us :(
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:hug: the universe has ways of sorting things out eventually hunny. Money is in an awful mess for us too and we are trying so hard to save to move and it's looking bad but never impossible.

I am sure there will be too much going on in the labour suite for any bickering and tbh if there is any tension the midwives will probably put a stop to it anyway....especially if there's one like mine she's a real battle axe lmao

Try not to stress, it makes us blind to solutions. I have been so worried but now I am just determined. Things will work out xxxxxxxx
hey Hun i wouldn't worry about them not paying much attention i'm the same atm my SIL has just had a little girl and they're all fussing over her and the baby but i'm determined not to get jealous and start a row because after all she is my niece and as for mom and bf if they start arguing you will have to tell one of them to leave, being in labour is stressful enough let alone with everyone arguing around you. just put your foot down and let them know how u feel. i did with my MIL who wanted to come into the birthing room with me and i'm like no i just want my husband in there because it would make me feel uncomfortable it's your pregnancy run it how you like. it will all work itself out eventually it always does xxx
Talk to them before and say you would like them both there but you need to know that they wont argue. You will also have to decide, if it comes down to it, who will be present at the c-section. (if you should need one)

I'm stressing about house atm too...Waiting for estate agents to get back to us really sucks! I hate all this waiting...I scared OH last night saying we've only got 99 days til LO is due! So that might give him the kick he needs! I'm also hoping for everything to fall into place! I think the hardest thing is i want to get all the baby stuff ready but can't atm because there isn't anywhere to put it! When nesting kicks in i'm gonna go crazy!

Its normal to be jealous...i think!

I get annoyed that LO wont see my Oh's parents as much because he isn't as close with them as i am with mine and this really aggs me! I have met his parents probably twice in 2years! Never even met his sister because he doesn't really get on with her! I do not want my child growing up not knowing OH's family!

When your LO comes there will be just as much attention on him. So really don't worry! :)
Oh hun.:hugs:

I have had a major depression on today because of money etc. so I get how you feel. My mum was with me at the birth of my first son as I was a single parent and was very put out this time cos I wanted the OH there. You have to think carefully cos I think its a time which needs sharing with your partner as much as possible.

My SIL is also due around xmas and I am incredibly jealous that she gets to meet her baby and I have months to go. So I understand that feeling. xxxxxx
I am also having a really stressful, emotional and down day...so understand how your feeling :(

I too have major money worries, and am currently living in my OH dads house so its really driving me nuts that I cant have my own space and start getting baby space ready like I want to...and to top it off I doubt we will be moving anywhere anytime soon because OH has been so ill and actually in and out of hospital for over 2 months :(

I totally understand the feeling of being down and depressed, and I know it doesn't really help you feel any better but the best and only thing you can continue to do (my friends are telling me the same today) just keep thinking about that little one of yours and the good things you have to look forward to :) It'll all be worth it in the end and all will work itself out :)

Really hope you feel better soon! xxxx
Aww thanks girls :hugs:

I guess I'm not the only one feeling the strain of things! I just feel like it's never going to get better at the moment. Then to top it off, I found out earlier that the OH has been gambling online behind my back. Gambling precious money that we need every penny of!

I've been cleaning the house all day to keep my mind off everything, otherwise I'd of sat and cried all day!
I'm glad i've got you lot who understand me!

Hugs to everyone, I hope we all get things sorted!
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Don't worry you are not the only one. We live with my DH parents, until he finishes uni in June, and it's really hard.

Just think when she has her baby, they are all going to be faffing around with her, and always wanting to see her, and when your baby comes, you wont have that people just turning up and getting in the way. I would love that. Time to bond all 3 of you together.
So sorry to hear you're having a tough time hun. I know how you feel, my family don't get on too well with my OH. We had a bit of a messy break up earlier in the year and although we're back together now, my family only seem to remember the bad bits. Thats natural i think, your family only care about you and your best interests. One of our problems before was OH's gambling so i know how bloody frustrating that is! To be fair he's stopped (i think) since i fell pregnant but if it happens every again he'll be out on his arse. You need to make sure it doesn't turn into a major problem hun, especially if you're having money problems already. I'm sure your OH has good intentions and wants a quick way to get some cash for you all, but gambling is a really destructive and dangerous habit.

We're not in a great situation either money-wise. Both on low incomes and going to be moving into a rented property after xmas so currently trying to squirrel away as much money as possible which is difficult at this time of year.

I hope you get everything sorted, if you ever want to chat about the family/gambling issues feel free to drop me a private message. I know how stressful and upsetting it is - still have the worry hanging over me even now! Good luck hun xxx
id feel bad for her, she must be so worried about her baby being small and having to be born early. id rather my LO stay where she is til shes properly cooked and grow well. naughty OH as well i hope you kicked his butt. i hope things get better hun :)

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