Feel bad about time off work and worried I'll get into trouble...


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Sorry for the self indulgent moan but I'm feeling bad about having to take the day off work. I had to take a couple of days off a few weeks back for a sickness bug that both dh and I had and this weekend I've had migraines and feel very weak and sick this morning so phoned in :( I'm just worried ill get into trouble or dragged into HR about it as I've also had to ask for the odd bit of time for mw appointments etc.

Does anybody know where you stand with time off for being ill whist pregnant? Can you get into trouble?
Apparently in the UK time off ill whilst you are pregnant it should not go against your sick record if they know you are pregnant.

It does not mean that your company will treat it like this, but know your rights - they should not count your sick days against your record whilst you are pregnant :) and tell them so if they ever drag you into the HR dept for a chat!

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Legally, you can't be discriminated against for being pregnant - that includes having any time off for sickness as a reason for disciplinary action. You are also legally entitled to paid time off to attend any appointments relating to your pregnancy, so they can't say anything to you about that either.

You're very well protected under sex discrimination laws whilst you're pregnant - see here for further info :)


Don't feel bad xxx
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The website mentioned above has some useful info so you should definately check it out.
Dont feel bad or worry about work though, the important thing is that you and baby are well, if you need a few days off then so be it. hope you are feeling better soon :)
Great link from Inky!
I'd print it out and study it ;D
(That's what i did for the Germany "Mutterschutzgesetz" )
Have alreay been able to throw some things at my employer to sort out :D
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Being off ill, and being off ill due to pregnancy are treated separately.

However if you are off due to pregnancy for an enormous amount of time they can ask that you start your maternity leave sooner.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I was on my placement year with the civil service when I found out I was expecting and was so worried at what they might say about me being off for so long as I was only a student. By law they have to pay you when your off due to pregnancy related circumstances for a certain amount of time (I was off for 5 weeks with severe Morning Sickness) and also have to let you take time off for appointments etc paid. If you've let your work know your pregnant you should be fine.
As long as you make sure they know its pregnancy related they have to disregard it from your sickness record. Hope you feel better soon x
Thank you for all the replies. I popped to the doctors earlier as I've been having headaches for a while now and he said its hormone and pregnancy related and to not worry about work etc. as stress won't help the headaches to settle so I'm feeling a little less stressed now.

Its also not like I've had lots of time off with sickness either I didn't phone in once during tri 1 despite the odd bit of morning sickness, its just that they have been taking a lot of people in to HR for 'meetings' about absences lately so I think that's made me feel a bit more concerned.

Also thank you for the link inky that was really interesting to read, especially about the health and safety stuff as they haven't done any risk assessment for me so I'll get onto that when I go back in. x

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