

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Hiya, I had my daughter 11 days ago and in hospital she started off not feeding very well, as most babies don't...then I bought her home and she was drinking 3oz every 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Then started drinking 3oz every about 2 1/2 - 3 hours and ive put her bottles up to 4oz now becoz the midwife told me to make up 1 extra oz so it's there if she wants it and she's only going about every 2 1/2 - 3 hours still on 4oz. Sometimes she will go the full 4 hours and I will wake her for a feed in the day but is this normal to keep going from 1 time to another? I do try to feed her on demand as much as possible, it just made me wonder weather it's ok to vary it from 2 1/2 hours to 4 hours? If you know what I mean, It's hard to explain lol.
Just keep doing what you're doing hun. She'll take what she needs when she needs it. It's normal for them to be all over the place with their feeding for a while so try not to worry hun :) :hug:
My little boy is 4 weeks old now, he was all over the place with his bottle feeds for the first 3 weeks, sometimes he would go 4 hours and like your little one sometimes 2 and a half. Its really only the last week or so he has got into any sort of routine of feeding 4 hourly. I just fed him when he seemed hungry as the midwife told me you cant force feed a baby and they will only eat when hungry, so if you are offering food and she is taking it she must need it.
You're doing fine... at first they are all over the place, she will settle down in a little while. :)

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