feeding whilst shopping!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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going to go on my first shopping trip with baby next week. just woundered how you all prepare bottles whilst out. i would normally just use the cartons but unfortunatly i cant as i am using a low birth weight formula (baby prem)which i can only get in powder. im thinking i should put bolied water in flask this way water will stay hot and then pour into sterilise botle and then add powder , do u think this would be the easiest way ? i cant think of another way ?! :oops:
I know that friends of mine will nuke a bottle of water till it's roasting before they go out and then by the time they come to use it during the day, it's the right temp.
the milk i use doesnt come in cartons either so when i go out i fill his bottle with 5oz of cold water (that has been boiled) and bring a flask of boiling water with me. I also take a smaller container of his formula. When he's hungry i add another oz of the boiling water to the bottle and then the formula. Takes minutes to prepare and he can drink it straight away. Its a bit of a fuss gettin him reading but hey thats motherhood all round!! :)
Well before i'm due to go out I boil my kettle, leave it for an hour and a half to cool then fill my flask. When Jacob is ready for a feed, I put the water in his bottle, add the powder and the milk is just the right temperature :D Easy peasy!

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