Feeding too much now


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Ellis' feeding has gone from waking him every two hrs to him crying every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs for a feed!!! he has started taking 2 ounces and then will take no more but then an hr and half later he wants more????

Anyone know why or what i can do to stretch his feeds??

Keely xxx
i had this prob with Dior she got so used to me force feeding her every 2hrs she then wanted feeding every 2 hrs as she was so used to it she was like clock work. ild just stick with giving him what he wants for now as he is so young but in a few weeks try water in betwnne to strtch it out. or just try getting him to have more onces i no its hard but i used to persit with Harley as he was having 6oz every 2/3 hrs at Ellis's age :shock:
from what i have read over the month that seems kind of normal. I didnt realise this and thought I must have been doing it wrong but my expectations of bf were different. This is when I stopped but this time round I will be prepared differently.

I think.

Yes I will.
Yeah Brody was like this for quite a while. I breastfeed so at least the nights were easier, but it seemed to go on for ages. :wall:
I would just go with what he asks for. Are you not recommended to demand feed? I just think that if you are hungry you eat something, so if baby is hungry why not let them have some food.
i was told to demand feed? else my daughter would be taken to hospital..

ild just go with what he wants for now but in time try and get him to go longer. nothing more tiring then when they want food every 2hrs. i think its good for them to get into a good routine
YEP every two hrs again last night :sleep: :sleep:

I am just feeding him when he wants it ... I cant see that letting him cry for it so he will go longer will do him any good ... I have started letting him a little cry maybe 10 mins so i can keep stretching the time!!!

Hopefully this will only last a few days :pray: hehe

but never mind i still love being a mummy!! xxx
Personally I wouldn't let a newborn cry for a feed, especially in this weather. Crying is one of the last hunger cues see here for details:http://nursing.jbpub.com/Lactation/clip2.htm Obviously hunger cues apply whether your baby is breast or bottle fed.

I'm really sorry Keely, please don't take this as a personal attack, but it actually makes me feel sad thinking of a week old baby crying with hunger for 10 minutes :cry: Newborn babies need to be fed frequently :( It's normal for them to feed every 2 hours.
how many ounces does he have keely? it might just be for comfort? Harley used to act real hungry untill i gave him the bottle he would just suckle and then fall asleep.

just trust what you feel is right or speak to your HV.

I asked my midwife about this today as Arianna will feed every 2 - 2 1/2hrs through the day but at night only wakes twice for feeds.

My midwife said they will have days that they just eat none stop as they have growth spirts.

S. xx
I would try offering some cool boiled water incase he is thirsty and maybe try using some infacol before a feed so you know there is no trapped wind preventing him taking more than a couple of oz at a time. Isaac screamed his head off for a whole day when we got him home so we bought anti-colic bottles, infacol and omneo comfort. From then on he fed every 4 hours and slept inbetween. I never woke him for a night feed though, he used to wake up himself for a feed.

Lou :)
At 6 days old I would not let him cry inbetween feeds. I know it's exhausting, I had a preemie and had to feed him every 2 hours for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only a few weeks, then it was 3 hours, then 4 and he settled into a pattern himself.

He is only 6 days old hun, don't expect him to settle into your routine yet, he is far too young.

If he only has 2 oz's it's no wonder he feeds more often. I would try winding for at least 10 minutes after a feed, then trying him with some more milk and see if he will take it. You could also try a dummy, as babies who have trapped wind or achey bellies really benefit from using one as it settles their pain.
He is very windy! So i have been giving him the dummy, I am not happy with the DR brown bottles i think they are crap!!

Sorry if i made people think i was leaving my baby to cry for a long time i am really not! he sits with his dad will i get a bottle ready. I dont know if you girls are aware but the midwifes tell you to make EVERY bottle from fresh now so it takes me 10 mins to get one ready! xxx
really???? why???

i still make harleys 8 bottles every night store them in the fridge. read on the back of the tin of formula it says thats fine if it wasnt they wouldnt put it on the tin????
im shocked by that.

so can you store the water in the fridge then just add milk as you go along???
They do say that BUT making them up and putting them in the fridge won't hurt, I promise! :D
Keely said:
He is very windy! So i have been giving him the dummy, I am not happy with the DR brown bottles i think they are crap!!

Sorry if i made people think i was leaving my baby to cry for a long time i am really not! he sits with his dad will i get a bottle ready. I dont know if you girls are aware but the midwifes tell you to make EVERY bottle from fresh now so it takes me 10 mins to get one ready! xxx

No chance :shock: If I have to use bottles they will be getting made in batches like Jessicas were. I think they dream up this crap every couple of years, must keep someone in a job.

Seriously pet, i dont see the benefits of that for you, sometimes you have to have the bottle ready to go. I know Jessica despite being a fab baby had no patience when she was hungry.
keely ild defo just make them all up i have been its fine as far as i have known, its just hassel doing them as you go along
Why not make up the bottle with water only then add an ounc of boiled water and put in your powder. You won't have to wait for them to cool or anything then :D
beanie said:
Why not make up the bottle with water only then add an ounc of boiled water and put in your powder. You won't have to wait for them to cool or anything then :D

Thats what i am doing now but against the midwifes advise!!! God if they knew i was doing that they would shot me!! haha

The advise now from the "goverment" or something crap like that say..... formular should not be made up in one go as it promotes bacteria growth ... you have to purchase a 24hr sterilser and take one bottle at a time to make them up from fresh.

I have been making my water up and putting in the fridge then warming the water and added the powder ... still a pain in the arse though. xx

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