Hi I have been weaning lo for a few weeks now, she is almost 6 months. At the moment I am giving her solids after every milk feed but I just wondered what everyone else does and should I be doing breakfast, lunch and dinner with milk in between? Currently it's as follows...
7am formula followed by porridge or baby rice
11am formula followed by carrots or sweet potato or broccoli etc
3pm formula followed by banana or Apple
7pm formula before bed
Also when can she start having other purees that aren't just fruit/veg? Can she start having meat, eggs, yoghurt etc? Thanks in advance, am new to all of this!!
7am formula followed by porridge or baby rice
11am formula followed by carrots or sweet potato or broccoli etc
3pm formula followed by banana or Apple
7pm formula before bed
Also when can she start having other purees that aren't just fruit/veg? Can she start having meat, eggs, yoghurt etc? Thanks in advance, am new to all of this!!