Feeding Question for 30 week preemie


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Feb 4, 2021
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I gave birth by c-section on January 31st 2021 at 10pm at 30 weeks 2 days gestation to a baby boy. He was 16 inches and 2 pounds 10 oz. Yesterday morning he was started on breastmilk through a tube. Yesterday it was 5ml every 4 hours and today it was 5ml every 3 hours. I'm currently pumping 10ml to 20ml every 3 hours.

That doesn't seem like very much. There isn't much talk of increases. He is stable as I got to hold him at 2 days old, and just needs some help breathing using the CPAP, but otherwise good.

Is there anyone here that can share their experience with feedings (increases) in the NICU? I'm not finding much information online.
Heya, I don’t have a preemie but the nurses will tell you how much he needs and if he’s not getting enough they will supplement. Just freeze what you can and pump pump pump every 2hrs to increase your supply so that when he’s ready for more milk, you are too.
I never really got a good quantity out when pumping so you're not alone.
With my first, they told me to pump every 3 hours for 40 minutes (20 min left, then 20 min right, unless you have a double pump). But I don't think I ever got more than 100ml.
Mine was technically a preemie too as she was born at 36 weeks but she didn't stay at the NICU because she was heavy enough. She couldn't drink well from the boob; we discovered 2 weeks ago she had a lip tie, and she's almost 4 years old now! But I eventually gave up pumping at 8 weeks and gave her formula. She was such a happy baby from then on!
If the pumping doesn't work out, you will feel bad but don't. Formula is better than not being fed at all!
Some women just have better production than others. The baby is the best breast pump out there though! As soon as you LO can drink by himself, give him the boob! Good luck!x

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