Fed up :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
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sorry everyone I just need to vent and ask some questions..

I had a MC the end of October at 5/6 weeks. I was devastated. Went for bloods every other day. I had false hope where my hcg doubled then an hour later I started with bleeding and pains.

We carried on trying again in November and I tested around the 10th December and there was a faint line. Tested a few times with different tests and they all showed the same. I was a day late for AF and then came on (14th) so I think it must have been a chemical pregnancy. Again I was devastated. I haven't been to the doctors this time as I can't deal with all the tests again and false hope :(

I haven't took a pregnancy test since. I'm going to do a clear blue in the morning. but my boobs are still sore on the side, I feel sick, getting headaches, really emotional and crying all the time, and heartburn. Do you think there is a possibility I still have hcg in my system? Would you go to the gp? I don't think I'm still pregnant.

Im just so fed up with everything and feel like it's never going to happen. I already have a daughter who I adore but I really want another.
How do you keep your hopes up? And get through when you've had losses? Whenever I think about it I cry. But then again I'm crying at everything at the minute.

I also feel like I really bad friend lol one of my friends is pregnant, she's 32 weeks gone. This is her second baby and was unplanned. She's constantly going on about how she doesn't want the baby and would do anything to not be pregnant etc. I get so annoyed with her. She knows that I've Had a MC and still says things. Am I being silly? I get so annoyed with her. And jealous to be honest. Anyone else in the same boat? I just need someone to rant with so I don't take it out on her or any other pregnant woman I see lol

Sorry for the long post. I just need to let out some steam lol

Sorry to all those who have experienced losses.

Thanks xx
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Forgot to add. The only test I've got in is the clear blue digital. I think that reads around 25mui. If I still have lingering hcg do you think it will pick it up?

If not what tests would you suggest? Xx
Ok so i appologise im going to be very quick oh has popped diwbstaura gor a drink:
No you are totally not alone with the feelings towards your friend and to be honest I think she's being very insensitive.

As for the hcg it is entirely possible you still have hcg that could be causing the current issues you have I would 100% recommend going to the gp. I know the tests are laborious and horrid but if you get it confirmed then it's on your record. I had a mc at 4&3 and didn't go to the gp it would have been my 3rd. But because I didnt notify my gp at the time I had to wait to have a 4th mc that was confirmed before they started to really investigate to see if there was a reason. Ibe nor had my rcmc testing yet but I'm on the waiting list a full 6 months later than I should be
Thank you. I did a clear blue and got not pregnant.

I'll buy another test tomorrow. An early one. If that comes back at negative there's no point going to gp. If there's still a faint line I will go xx
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Your friend sounds like and arse. I would cut contact down to minimal and let her get on with it without having her saying insensitive things to you. Totally not what you need to be hearing right now.

I agree with the above, it is always useful to have a pregnancy officially registered just in case. I hope you get the answers you need soon.

Rant away we don't mind, we have all been there and it is good to let it out!
Thank you.

I go to 4 playgroups a week with my daughter. My sister and two friends. If I cut contact with her then me and my daughter would loose out as she wouldn't go to the playgroups.

she really doesn't think about what's she's saying. The other friends sister give birth to her stillborn son about a month ago and she still says stuff on front of her. She actually walked out of playgroup because of her. Some people don't deserve to be pregnant if they don't want the baby :(

It just gets to me.

I just hope to the goodness nothing goes wrong with her pregnancy imagine how awful she would feel if something happened. I assume she's never had a loss or else she would never say those things x x

I hope your feeling better soon my love x
No she hasn't. So I guess she doesn't understand how it feels.
Thanks everyone xx

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