Fed up of BH


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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im having a rant today x i have so many BH each hour its driving me mad especially when im driving x they are not really painful just anoying!!

the only good thing about them is when im lying down and i have one i can take a deep breath and breath easily!

anyone else get loads?
ive never had one hun, what do they feel like?xx
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I don't have any :( so i'll have yours if you'd like - probably seems insane to you, but i'm worried that with my lack of moving cervix/dilation and no BHs to help it all along that i won't be able to have this baby naturally!!
hopefully your just not feeling them nik :) x
my Bh feel like really hard tightnings over my tummy x the best way i can descibe it is like getting cramp where your muscle hardens and you cant really do anything about it.

nic106 im sure when your labour starts all will kick in how its supposed to!! my sister never said she had any and i had mine with all my pregnancies from about 16 weeks.
I get lots when im driving too, wonder why!
my doctor told me you get them throughout the pregnancy, but its only from around 30 weeks ish onwards that the baby is big enough for you to feel them
my doctor told me you get them throughout the pregnancy, but its only from around 30 weeks ish onwards that the baby is big enough for you to feel them
My bladder doesn't contract properly to tell me i need the loo, hence why i'm one of the lucky(?) few who only has to go to the loo 2/3 times a day and never at night unless i can't sleep at over 40 weeks. It is entirely possible that my uterus isn't contracting too. Its something to do with the signals my brain does or doesn't send out. Its useful on long journeys but i tend to forget other people actually have to stop to use the loo

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