favourite things about co-sleeping


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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seeing as this is topical and so many of us do it despite the fact we get told how bad it is :roll:

My fave things are

1. the smiles in the morning. Cally will stare at me till I open my eyes and then just beams

2. the way my girls snuggle into me. Cally sleeps with her hand on my boobie just in case someone breaks in and steals it.

3. hearing Cally's little snores, too cute

my least fave thing - the cold hands and feet both girls seem to want to put on me.
The smell of Stanley's sweaty neck. And when he wakes up in the morning and says 'Hello mummy!' as if he's surprised to see me :)
aaaawww... lovely thread!!

i love it:

* when connor crawls over and its just for a cuddle, not just for boob

* we wake up at the same time in the morning and connor gives me the most happy and content smile.

* like cally, connor sleeps with one hand on my boob - its soooo cute

yay for co-sleeping!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
The things I used to love were waking up with Jaeda smiling at me and that close feeling you have.
I miss doing it but won't after she fell outof the bed, it scared me too much.
It is lovely tho, a great bonding tool.
Definatley the first smile in the morning :D
The way she clings on to me and hugs me back and when she gets all annoyed because theres jammies or something over my skin and she tugs at it till I move it out the way then she burries her head into my chest like shes smelling me and falls asleep. :D
a finger up my nose to wake me up :rotfl:

waking up in the early hours of the morning to find her standing by the bed saying mummy wanting nothing else but a cuddle :D

we only co sleep for a few hours in the morning now days. unless she is ill then i tend to let her in earlier
It's easy, comfortable,makes for a happier baby (for mine at least) and i don't have to make up a hot water bottle each night :lol:
It's so cute snuggling up together and her little arm around me. When she stirs and then realises I am there and then goes back to sleep again. When we just stare at each other. Her little snores.

I do worry that I might squash her or she might roll out of bed - but I havent and she hasnt. I dont sleep very deeply.

I do love it though . . .
It sounds so cute :) I have never been able to co-sleep with my LO. She always slept better in her own bed. I tried a few times to bring her in with us and she was a nightmare, either not sleeping, crying, then later rolling, crawling, jumping, and now running on the bed. Unbelievable. When I put her back in her bed she goes to sleep properly.

I used to imagine having a warm little body in bed with us being all cute but actually she hates our bed! Maybe when she is bigger she might like to come in but for now she likes her own bed.

Just liked reading your sweet stories :)
We don't do it all night, nor do we do it every day but...

I love it when she wakes up upset, realises she's with me, cuddles in and settles back down almost right away.

I secretly love being woken up by having my hair pulled and her wet fingers stuck in my ear/up my nose
Awwwwww, it's making me miss co-sleeping now, thank goodness I can do it all again soon (yay! :dance: )
I used to love waking up with my boobs out not even realising I was feeding! And comments from people like 'you don't look tired at all considering you have a newborn', of course I didn't tell them it's cos I've slept nearly all night with baby next to me-who needs those 'rod for your own back' comments eh?
I dont co sleep all night but OH puts Calleigh in with me when he goes to work of a morning.
She has a quickie boobie feed then rolls off and falls back asleep, then i usually get woken by a finger in the eye or nose if i am close enough :lol: and then a big smile when i open my eyes.
Only sometimes do we co-sleep with Dylan (usually when he is having a restless night and i cant be bothered having to kneel on our bed and keep putting his dummy back in while he is in the cot).

But when he does i love waking and seeing him smile at me. He is always in the bestest moods in the mornings xx
You see this is why i love this forum!! :lol:

mum's the word said:
Awwwwww, it's making me miss co-sleeping now, thank goodness I can do it all again soon (yay! :dance: )
I used to love waking up with my boobs out not even realising I was feeding! And comments from people like 'you don't look tired at all considering you have a newborn', of course I didn't tell them it's cos I've slept nearly all night with baby next to me-who needs those 'rod for your own back' comments eh?

until i came on here and learnt how many of you lovely ladies also enjoyed co-sleeping i always felt embarrassed :oops: :oops: about grace sleeping with me every nite until she was 6 months, all because of peoples comments! i felt like i was not supposed to be doing it, and spent alot of time worrying about it! so to be honest just didn't tell people!! :(

Well i certainly won't be doing so this time! :D co-sleeper n proud! :lol:

It's a lovely bonding experiance, and i certainly slept better being able to feed her sooo easily (just pop ur boob in :lol:) and was rest assured she was ok, as i was able too keep check on her.... i loved it!
i LOVE IT when i wake up for like 5 seconds in the middle of the nite and my little sleeping princess is softly snoring next to me! and if i wake in the morning and she's already awake, the smile she greets me with! alas its a rare treat these days she wont settle in our bed. think we only done it 2 or 3 times since she moved into her nursery 8 months ago!
I love waking up to giggles and being pounced on by Q. I also find it hilarious when he wakes up DH by biting his nose :lol:

Not so keen on the all night nipple twiddling he does when he's a bit under the weather though.
Clydesdaleclopper said:
I love waking up to giggles and being pounced on by Q. I also find it hilarious when he wakes up DH by biting his nose :lol:

Not so keen on the all night nipple twiddling he does when he's a bit under the weather though.

:wall: :wall: :wall: Gah the nipple twiddling... :wall: :wall: :wall: It horrid...

I love knowing that lil miss is safe by me and I can feel her warm and breathing... I love how she has learnt to find booby in the pitch black and snuggle in to it... The soft little gulping noises she makes.... and when she smiles at me and says mum mum when I open my eyes..

Having my eyes subsequently poked out though is not a favourite part though... :roll:

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