Father's maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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Hi Ladies.

Hoping someone can help me out, I'm tempted to apply for another job its less hours but more rewarding, they are willing to take me on, but i wouldnt get maternity like i would with the job i have. after reading on the goverment site, fathers (i think i read right) only get 2wks maternity leave.

My question is if i was to get this other job and stop work about 8mths and started back say a month after birth. What rights does my oh have if he was to be the house husband bear in mind we're not living together atm. Hes prepared to be a stay at home dad (which has shocked me) but we both dont know where we would stand.

thanks Zoe x
I know you get 26 weeks ordinary leave, and 26 additional leave, and you can transfer the 26 additional leave to the father... I'm not sure how it works though...
Go on the DirectGov website, that might explain better xx
Sarah is right, you can transfer the remaining time over to your partner, but only 20 weeks after the baby arrives xx
Sarah is right, you can transfer the remaining time over to your partner, but only 20 weeks after the baby arrives xx

I thought this was only if you were entitled to it in your employment so if you change jobs now, this wouldnt apply would it?
I dont know, im not sure if i was to change jobs if i would get maternity leave. I love the job a have atm working with the elderly, but i dont find it a challenge any more, this other job is working with families and children aged between 6mth and 18yrs and is also a step in the right direction for the Youth offending team. I think i might be better off ringing the company on monday and just asking, my oh says he will support me and become a house husband, and my son (he 14) says do whats best for you mum. lol i have to laugh as everything seems to happen in one go.

thanks ladies for your advise
Zoe x

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