Fathers Day


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Has anyone bought anything for their OH for fathers day?
I bought James a thorntons chocolate teddy with "Daddy" iced onto it and also a card that says "Happy fathers day daddy" and has a picture of a monkey holding a sign saying "I love you" which is very relevant as we call our LO our cheeky monkey because their so mischevious!!
He's going to be very chuffed, he can't wait to be a dad!
Any of you girls done anything for OH's or am I just daft?!!
not being daft at all :D

i got OH a card from moonpig which has two of her scan pics on the front and inside i put "lots of love daddy, from Bean xxx"

i think im just going to get him some chocolates to go with it!

he got me a box of roses for mothers day and wrote a lovely long bit inside saying cant wait to meet you mummy, love you already, made me cry :oops:
I think since they make dad to be cards then no, it's not daft :D

I have bought my OH a card. It's cute
i bought mine a daddy to be card and a wee sleepsuit for baby that says "my daddy is a dishy daddy"
I think he will be tickled by it :)
I think it's a great idea, if I had a OH I'd definitely do it, not daft at all! :hug:
I haven't got anything for OH from the new baby, just from DS. I didn't get anything for mother's day last year even though it was les than a week before my due date!
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Well I have but he is already a dad to the 3 rascals! But I did want to get him a daddy to be card but couldnt find one :( Hes not a daddy now, they are "too old" now apparently :roll: (my DD is the youngest at 6? To be calling him daddy lol) but the baby can call him daddy they said! haha
I've got mine a dad to be card and I'm going to have a look for a pressie today for him too
my oh doesnt really do all that sort of stuff but ive got him a father-to-be card anyway :D my mum got me a mum to be card on mothers day :)
Yep got him a card from moonpig

it says on the front "Happy Fathers Day Daddy to be! and it is pooh cuddling a little piglet

then inside i put "Cant wait to meet you daddy"

"love from baby Wimble!"

he isnt into cards but i am so there!
aww no not silly at all !!

Or if it is were all mad with ya cus i got one too :)

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