Fast labour!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2014
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My third baby arrived on her due date in just 31 minutes! It was frighteningly fast and not something I want to experience again. Ok so it was over quickly and we struck lucky as it happened at 6am so the roads were quiet - but it was frightening!!
My fourth baby was induced due to polyhydramnious and took about four hours.
Now expecting baby number five and it looks like they will leave me to go naturally. I'm so worried incase I'm at home alone or something and it's very quick!
Anyone else been super speedy! X x
Yikes! Can you stay in a hotel near by? I think I'd opt to camp out front. On a serious note, can they not take into account your anxiousness of baby arriving without time to receive help? X
I think there were a few in January who had theirs quickly. Taboo I'm sure had hers in 4hrs and that was her first!

Do you have any family who live close by or died your husband work close so they can be on call? x
My husband works from home but does site visits a couple of days a week. It's just the total lack of warning that worries me. Literally with baby three, my waters broke, pains started instantly and very intensely, and 31 mins later, I was holding my 9lb 12oz daughter!! I kid you not!! As she was my third and I had been induced with the first two, I had no experience of going into labour naturally and was in complete shock! Luckily my Mum was staying at the time so we were able to just get in the car and go but that was ten years ago and Mum won't be staying this time round. I dont want my five year old to see me in labour, or give birth!! X x x
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I'm a little similar.

My first was 3:55 labour from start to finish, with literally not a show, a hick, a nothing.

Due date edging ever closer...

It's only half hour till due date, I'm giving up and going to bed.

BAM! Contractions.

I have a supreme advantage of being five minutes from hospital.

However... My 24/7 babysitting service (read: the grandparents) are two hours away, so if I go in the night again, I could be stuck.
Also, I no longer have a car, so it's taxi if things start off slow enough, or 999.

Nerve-racking, but... I think it's one of those "control what you can and go with the rest" deals. Xx
The hospital wrote in my notes that my labour was 49 mins (I do not agree with them!). I went from 4 cm dilated to giving birth in a few minutes, it was harrowing and baby was born by himself. I would definitely talk to them about your worries and at the least have it written in your notes you need to be accepted into the hospital early and most of all listened to! Xx
Id take fast over slow any day I reckon lol
44 hrs?! No no no no no no no no no!!!! :lol:
Well 44hrs from first early labour cobtraction, 22hrs from established labour
Why not just have a homebirth instead of having to worry about getting to hospital. On call mws will come out and will be quicker than getting to hospital, settled etc.
Id never want another fast labout like mias again! Established labour to pushing then to her coming out was 10/15 minutes.
Luckily I was induced and was in hospital. My first was my longest at 13 hours. 2nd was hour n half and 3rd was hour 15 mins. If you bring this up with ur midwife she may be able to help and may recommend you being induced some midwives will agree to this x
Fast labours are hard to deal with me second I went from 5cm to holding him in minutes midwife had one glove on. With my third I was planning to arrange a home birth just in case but ended up high risk and being induced. I'd raise the concerns again and again if you would prefer induction.
Long labours are painful but fast labours are so hard to deal with emotionally after. Best of luck x
Why not just have a homebirth instead of having to worry about getting to hospital. On call mws will come out and will be quicker than getting to hospital, settled etc.

They don't really recommend a home birth with your fifth baby as the chances of bleeding afterwards increase after a fourth child. Also, I am 41 and considered an older Mum.

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