FAO Anyone that works at Next !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
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Hi can anyone tell me when the Next summer sale is ?:pray:
Me and my friend were trying to find out at our local store but all they could tell us is sometime in July. I will be finding out the sex of my baby on the 5th July so really hope it's after that :D . Saving all my pennies already gonna be there when the doors open and grab some bargains.

Hope someone can help :dance: xx
hi nikki
check out the -what we all do for a living thread in this section.
i'm sure someone said their oh works in next but cant remember whose!

sure they could tell you!

good luck with your scan - bet you cant wait :D

Yeah really excited can't wait hun and cheers for idea :D xx

Oh Kelly S works there and it gets better, her OH is a manager there!! :dance:

Any inside info Kel :pray: :pray: :D xx
wow i didnt know there was a sale coming up.
I find out the sex 13th this month so i will be ready for sales!!!
as far as i know there are 2 in derby city :dance: :dance: :D :D
Oh yeah hun the big summer sale,gonna kit my liitle one right out, I love Next baby clothes xx
sounds fun :D
i love next and shopping
Hope we can find out when the sale is soon! :D :D you got me all excited now :dance: :dance:
You have to get up early though chick the doors open at about 6am :shock: . Now I am all excited again and I used to think people were sad queueing up at 5am for the Next sale,gonna be one of them this time though :oops: :D xx
i will be there ready to shop!
hope its like the day after your scan it starts or something because i have that whole week off..but i dont want it to be before your scan!
so the 7th seems like a good day to pray for :pray: :pray:
I am sure they are on Saturdays hun and there is only one Saturday in July before my scan and that's the 1st,so am pretty sure it's gonna be after :pray:, if not I will buy all the unisex stuff :D.

Where are you Kel fill us ladies in :D xx
Hi Nikki,

It is Saturday 22nd July! 10 days after our little girl is due :D ! We will be there the night before putting our bargins away! Well either me or DF depending on when little legs decides to make an appearence!

I love the next sale too, just hate working it which i wont have to do this year :dance: ! Hopefully Olivia would have made an apperance by then so DF will get out of it too, Im sure he wouldn't miss it lol!

The only think that i can advise is that its good to get there early, but its also worth going back a few hours later or even a day later as they put more stock out throughout the day! The newborn bits do tend to sell quite quickly!

Cheers Kelly what a star :D . I hope little Olivia makes an apperance by then,she's gonna be the best dressed baby in town :dance: .

Gonna put that date on my calendar and get there early,thankfully in Canterbury they have opened a new bigger store,the old one was so small and during the sale you would have to get out because of the BO smell :shock:. Gonna leave the kids at home and do some serious shopping,can't wait.

What time do they open the doors? xx
Usually 6am, look out for the adverts on T.V! Next must be making buckets cos they have now gone up market and started putting ads on T.V letting people know when the sales are lol! Its all our money that we spend in there! Specially people that work there, they are on a good thing pay us the wages and we give them it straight back lol!

We bought some unisex bits in the christmas sale, infact most of our babygro's and vests are from the christmas sale lol! It is so much nicer when you can go out and buy either pink or blue tho!

I cant wait now either lol! We get first pick and if DF see's any nice bits ill be getting him to hide them untill we can put them away lol :wink: !
I remember people used to queue from about 4am here to grab the bargains,must be great working there and getting first picks of everything,hope the staff here don't nick all the good bits :evil:.
I usually go online but the site constantly crashes :( ,gonna get myself out of bed early and get down there this time though,can't wait :D xx
Yea they que quite early here too i think! I have never done an early shift on sale day so not sure, i do kno that there are que's nearly all day too!

The winter sale and the summer sales are the best! It's unbelievable how much stock there are up in those stockrooms that isnt on the shop floor!!!!

Yea working there does have its qualities specially around sale time! Next are not the best company to work for tho!

Anyway gald i could help, dont forget to note it in your diary wouldn't want you forgetting about itlol
i used to work for next and hated it! management were right up there own backsides except for the childrenswear manager who was lovely...working the next sale is a nightmare but i did enjoying going into the stockroom and hiding all the stuff i liked hehe!!! :D
Round our way people queue up the night before and camp out in the shopping centre, the security guards work night shifts I think to keep an eye on them!! It's like an obsession, the same with Debenhams.
My DF just read this thread, and cassi he agree's with you the managers are all up their own arses, except him of course lol everyone seems to like him! Which has gave me many a jealous moment b4 and after we got together as he's a bit of a charmer and they love him for it lol, even the customers!

Cant say the same for the store manager tho, she not so keen after he and a friend had a game of bogies (off dick and dom) over the paging system one night to break up the bordom lol!
Hi Nikki

Gonna put that date on my calendar and get there early,thankfully in Canterbury they have opened a new bigger store,the old one was so small and during the sale you would have to get out because of the BO smell

might have to see you there! The new one is so much better isn't it! Only thing is little one is due 3 days before. Mind you, it could bring on labour if necessary!!!

Tan x
Last year I bought a load of boys stuff as I was sure I'd be having a boy - had to take it all back after my scan in August :lol:
I usually love the Next sale but I couldn't be bothered in the January sale as I was due the beginning of February and felt huge so I did it online and had a great experience! There's a website that gives you free delivery codes as well:


I love the Next clearance shops - a sale all year round!


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