Fainted again....


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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I had my 6th third trimester faint this morning. I was walking to work in London and completely lost it. I fell quite badly on the pavement. It was really scary. :?

I grazed and cut my legs down both shins, cut my arm and.... broke my little toe plus the one next to it on my left foot! :doh:

After getting a taxi home (work paid), OH and I spent a few hours in the M.A.U (maternity assessment unit) this afternoon being checked over.

I'm really glad to report baby is absolutely fine, strong heartbeat, plenty of movements. :pray:

I'm now officially working from home until Friday which is my leaving date from work anyway. I felt quite sad knowing today was the last time I'd see some of my friends for about a year. I also felt guilty funnily enough coz I felt had cheated them out of the big send off for me! :roll:

My OH is very happy I'm not commuting any more. I, on the other hand, feel quite fed up. My foot is swollen and I can't drive, or walk about much, I'm bored already! :bored:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know you don't want to be at home and immobile but you really shouldn't be at work any more. You can't keep fainting all over the place

Get that son and OH of yours looking after you, enjoy the rest while you can!!

Speak to you soon honey :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Nikki x
Sabrina :hug: why do you keep fainting?I bet you feel a bit gutted not to have your big send off, its like having some closure before you have your baby. I do hopew your leg and toe heal soon, though toes are a sod and can hurt for quite a while and be akward when you have broken them (i broke my pinky one too). So i know how you feel.
I bet your oh is happy your no longer commuting, its not fun at all, and you will feel the benfits of some well earned rest!
Wow, that sounds like it was a nasty fall. You need to relax ;) you can't be expected to do so much while you're pregnant, just put your feet up and make sure you get waited on by OH and your son ;)

you really have to stop doing this lol

im glad it turned out ok in the end.

i sympotise with the broken toes. i broke my lil toe once, by god did it hurt!!

rest up now wont you :)
take the break and have a well earned rest hun...

I know how you feel about being bored, im bored as well... :cry:
glad LO is ok, sorry about ur broken toes and grazed legs! look after urself! :hug:
Oh no babe! you poor thing!

It is amazing how much breaking your toe hurts isn't it - you don't realise how useful they are until you injure them :hug: :hug:

Sorry you didn't get your send off, maybe your closest work friends can come and visit you instead.

Take care of yourself and try to keep your feet up!! :hug:
Hey Sabrina,

So sorry to hear this but so glad that you are being sensible and no longer commuting - you certainly haven't had an easy time of it recently. I really hope your toes and legs and arms get better soon.

Make sure you do lots of resting up and relaxing and don't go mad doing jobs etc now you're at home full time! I'm sorry you didn't get your send off, but if you're anything like me, these things are quite embarrassing so could be a blessing in disguise!

Obviously I am irrationally jealous as I am in the office until Thursday! Ha ha!


Valentine xxx
Thanks Ladies. :hug: Yes the toe is quite painful. The doctor at the hospital prescribed me some painkillers and I took 2 last night. They did help me get a good night's sleep (in fact I slept till 10.45!) but I'm not taking them through the day - only to get relief at night.

It's quite hot today and I feel a bit dizzy again but I'm doing NOTHING. Am sat on the sofa with only the TV and laptop for company. :)

Mrs Tommo - The faints started about 7 weeks ago. Since then I've had tests, blood tests and was wired up to an ECG trace for 24 hours. They found nothing wrong. :wall: The consultant and other doctors seem to think the baby is laying on veins which prevent the flow of blood back to the heart. I can't lay flat without feeling dizzy either and they say it's all related. :(

Good girl..... nothing is what the doctor ordered after all! Glad you had a good sleep and hope you have a nice relaxing day. Hope the dizziness passes... :hug:

try to resist the temptation of Big Brother Live! :shock: :D
topbird said:
Good girl..... nothing is what the doctor ordered after all! Glad you had a good sleep and hope you have a nice relaxing day. Hope the dizziness passes... :hug:

try to resist the temptation of Big Brother Live! :shock: :D

So far I've resisted it although it did cross my mind earlier TB ;) One of my friends popped by for a chat a few hours ago. It was really good to catch up and she took my mind off things so that was good. I feel better now, not dizzy anymore.

LO has been quiet today but I've just had something to eat so that should wake him up again. :D

Glad your feeling a little better :hug:
I hope you manage to get through the rest of it without any more breakages, it's amazing though with all the big bones you fell on, it had to be a couple of the smallest ones you broke :?
Get well soon :hug: :hug:

Aww hun :hug: gald you and LO are okay.
Its a good thing your not working anymore now you can relax a bit more and hopefully no more falls!!

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