Fabric softener


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
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Quick query - is it okay to use fabric softener when washing baby clothes?? I've been getting my hospital bag ready today and had a sudden urge to wash all the baby clothes
I washed all ours with the samples I got in my Bounty packs - been in and out THAT many times, the MW always gave us more packs so I had enough for about 4-5 washes!

I've since been using Ariel Non-Bio powder and Comfort Pure Fabric softener on all our clothes to make them extra soft!
I always thought you weren't supposed too - so i washed mine in a non bio washing powder without fabric softener x
I havn't been given a bounty pack at all =|
I bought the persil non bio washing liquid that was advertised in one of my pregnancy magazines, and then fairy fabric conditioner, I'll just hold on the washing for now and ask the MW Tueesday =]
I always thought you weren't supposed too - so i washed mine in a non bio washing powder without fabric softener x

Oh - I hope not...

I got samples of Fairy Non-Bio washing powder and conditioner in my packs so assumed you could - i'll do some digging!

If you join up here Yoshi I think they send you bits - got LOADS of discount vouchers too :D http://www.bounty.com/
I tend to just use Fairy on its own and then later on use a pure softener :)
I didn't think you were supposed to use it either - mainly because until your LO is born, you don't know how sensitive their skin is so if you wash everything with a softener before they're born and then find that they have sensitive skin, you have to wash it all again anyway! I've washed everything for our LO is Fairy Non Bio - it was a sample in my Bounty pack as well. I do plan on using softener once LO is here and I can see if their skin is OK with it though as I don't have a tumble dryer and find it harder to get everything nice and soft
Ahh that's fab! I'll just use the non bio stuff then =]
All this baby stuff is so new to me, scary but exciting!1
i use fairy non bio powder and either comfort pure or fairy fabric conditioner. When you have you babies and get your new mum bounty pack you get a full size comfort pure so you must be ok to use it :) xxx
ooh, Ive used softener on all the baby stuff, bedding, towels, wash clothes, clothes :wall:

I did buy a hypoallergenic one especially tho. And it has a picture of a baby on the front...does that count?! Good grief Im doing it all wrong already ...
Nah, i've got comfort fabric softener and that's got a pic of a baby on the front. We should be ok :) x

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