Hang in there honey !!!!! I never had rib pain , sorry can't give specific advice on that but I did get disc herniation when I was 28 weeks last time and unfortunately the same bad news applied at the time - I was told that nothing could be done until the baby I was born. Unfortunately I can't cheer you up much honey because I literally was in agony until yes the baby was born. The interesting thing is that once she was born, no predicted treatment was needed as something happened during labour and the back went back to normal, I actually forgot about it and about 24 hours after giving birth , thought " oh what about my back " and honestly it was fine. Whether one wants to believe this or not but that's what happened, my GP couldn actually believe it himself, he ended up putting it down to things having moved in my body during labour but it was a very vague theory. Sorry I can't be of much help , my heart goes out to you Hun cause when you got 2 little ones to run around after, this would be so so hard to deal with , being in any sort of pain. Oh and by the way, I was also huge ( and that was my 2nd pregnancy, I dread to think what I d be like during 3d ).Hang in there lovely ! By the way I still can't believe our girls were born one day apart. My gorgeous Tamara was born 3 July 2015 !! You used to be such support to me when I ttc 'ed her, used to love talking to you. I have not been on forum much since I had her but I was chuffed to see your name pop up when I went back on now that we are ttc our 3d. I ll be keeping fingers crossed your pain goes away and that you feel better honey. Big big hugs.