

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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As some of you amy know i'm currently leaving Tally with a childminder 3 days a week, she wasn't drinking much whilst there but the past week or two she seems to have really settled there and s drinking much more, she's drunk all the emergency spare milk i provided the childminder with plus the milk i give her each day.

I always send her the the childminders with 2 bottles, one ready, one frozen, usually about 6oz each, then i try to express what i take out, the problem is i'm finding it difficult to even express what i'm providing for her each day let alon the extra she's started taking.

I can only express twice really on the days i leave her, otherwise it's very impractical or i'd have to do it whilst in a lecture (not gonna go down well lol)

I was wondering about expressing every morning again, i did this initially but made too much milk so stopped. Now i'm thinking if i start this it'll up my milk supply and might help me produce the extra milk she wants.

I dont have any issues with her getting enough milk when it's just us throughout the day but i'm concerned it might confuse my boobs to make 5-6oz extra 4 days a week and the same amount less the other days. She still seems to be putting wieght on ok, had her weighed on monday and she's 14lb10oz now but she's not putting weight on as fast as before and has dropped down the line on her chart (she's still over the 50th percentile though), i thought this was normal for a BF'd baby.

She's not sleeping through over the past week or so but she's had a cold and when she got over that had her imms so i've put that down to those.
Sounds like the 4 month growth spurt might have started. Hence her polishing off so much milk.

I'd go with the extra expressing tbh. She'll be feeding more for a bit so it won't hurt. And express off also on the days at home too maybe for extra supply. Then once the growth spurt passes you can gradually wind down again.
just express more and freeze..also its really good to do an express in the middle of the night if you can manage it
sparky said:
also its really good to do an express in the middle of the night if you can manage it

I've only just convinced Tally to sleep through again! Unless Dave wishes to drain my booby for me whilst i sleep i'll be giving that one a miss lol.

If uping expressing doesnt work i may have to though :( at least we'll be in out own home soon and not going to get shouted at for waking people if i do try and express.
I found expressing was better if I had a set time every day - it fools your body into thinking there is an extra feed required. I did it on one side whilst LO was on the other.

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