

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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We are thinking about expressing milk in next couple iof weeks just so I can have a break and oh can feed too. Question us how much are you meant to have in the bottle? Is it 3 oz? I just dont want to over feed baby if you know what I mean..also can baby refuse breast after it's had a bottle? Any information you have would be great as I feel clueless!!!:wall2:
I haven't tried expressing yet as I was advised to get breast feeding established before you introduce a bottle so as not to cause confusion. I was recommended to wait til around 6 weeks and then slowly introduce a bottle, say every other day

However I know others may disagree and will say its fine to express earlier.

I was recommended 4weeks, but actually had to express first cos G wouldn't latch.

The mother 2 mother website has lots of great info.

In theory they can refuse breast, G has been on strike twice -each for about 24hours. But nipple confusion is rare.

The amount you put in each bottle is up to you, I guess kinda depends on why your expressing, I use EMB if I'm leaving her with someone else, first time I planned 3oz per feed, but she downed two in the one go!!

You can't really over feed a baby as they just sick up any excess!


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I would wait a little while before expressing to work on your lo's latch however I did express earlier as my breasts got engorged so you can always express and then freeze it for a later stage!! How much they need depends on the baby, my little man is a guzzler so he was taking about 100 ml at about 4 weeks (not sure what that is in ozs) I wud say although it is wastefull for a while if you arent going to be there to top up if necessary over estimate what you need, better to throw away milk other than have a crying baby!! Remember to express when you are giving baby a bottle so that your supply doesnt drop (plus then you have more milk to store!)
I express so I can send LO to nanny's. I do about 5oz per feed.

You will need to express for the missed feed as well or your boobies will get full and leak

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