Expressing Breast Milk for a new born

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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My Little Harry is 4 days old and so far I have been breast feeding but I am struggling as my nipples are so sore, I have been checked and he is latching on correctly but doesnt seem to then feed well and ends up just sucking the nipple so it is extremely painful. He is feeding constantly and not sleeping so I am not convinced I am providing him with enough and I feel really down already so I have decided to try expressing and feeding him through a bottle along with giving him some breast feeds but I am unsure how much I would need to feed him in a bottle or express.

Has anyone else had experience of mainly expressing breats milk and feeding through a bottle and how much I should be giving??
it's best not to give them a bottle yet- thats where it went downhill for us.

Have you tried lansinoh/nipple shields?

My little girl is exclusively on expressed breastmilk. I don't like breast feeding and this is right for us but you should consider carefully if it's right for you.

In a couple of weeks breastfeeding will not be sore for you.

How long we can go out for is limited because I have to express at least 4 times a day. I tried to get this down to 3 but then my supply starts to drop. For the first couple of months I had to express every 4 or 5 hours, including at night. I express at least 4 hours a day.

Even if you successfully combine breast and bottle at this early age (we did, she will latch on but I don't like it) remember that you will need to express around the time she feeds to keep your supply up. If you have someone at home to help with LO like I do that's fine. If not, it may be tricky, especially as he gets more alert and needs entertaining. And I'd recommend an electric pump or your wrist and hand will get very sore.

I'm not intending to put you off, just make sure you are aware of what you are deciding.

And to answer your question, 40 to 60ml at the moment but it will very quickly increase. By 4 weeks she was on 150ml bottles, which is what we are still on. Just feed LO until they've had enough, just like you would if they were on the breast.
The first week or so of BF is really hard going. I would echo the others in saying that you should get some cream - Lansinoh is the best although quite pricy. When I got that it all got easier! I would call your midwife and ask for some support as well as they may give you some advice. :hug:
I got nipple cream from Boots which worked really well. It was about £7 but we are still using it for various other things (dry skin, chapped chins etc) so it does go a long way. Your nipples will toughen up really quickly, so I agree it is best to perservere. My milk came in on day 4 and she did feed constantly but it soon settled down.Just go with the flow for now and let LO lead - he will know how much he needs. make use of any local b/f support groups. Our Surestart runs a breastfeeding cafe and it is a great source of suport. You are doing really well and it honestly does get much easier. :hug:
I had to express in the beginning because Callum was in SCBU and he wasnt latching on properly
The hospital told me to express as much as i could and see how much he would take

It is really really painful in the beginning, nipple cream helps until he can latch on properly
I wouldnt advise it though
Ditto what the others have said really. Try to keep going with the breast as it will get better.

Lansinoh nipple cream (£10 from Boots) is a miracle cure for sore nips.

The more he feeds from your boobs the better your supply will get. Expressing often does not get as much out as a baby can believe it or not. Galen can get far more from my boobs feeding than I can expressing.

Also as Kalia said expressing is bloody hard work. I have expressed when Galen was a few weeks old for the occasional feed and it was not fun trying to keep up his feeds, express and so on. Going out is a cow also.

Please try and stick with the boob if you can. Nipple shields are also good I am told.

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