exposed to chicken pox...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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i know there is already a chicken pox thread but i wondered if anyone noticed any symptoms BEFORE the spots?

Its just that James went to stay with my cousin and her little boy for a couple of hours yesterday and today she called me to tell me that her son has chicken pox....

So now Im worried that James will have caught it from him...apparently it can take 2 weeks from infection for the spots to show so I was wondering if there are any other signs I should be looking for...
The nursery told me it can start with what seems to be a cold... but that could be anything really. I read the books and they said incubation of 14-21 days, so give it a couple of weeks. Hope your little one doesn't get it, I thought Ryan was quite young for it but yours is very little still. Ryan's first spots came on his chest, and I noticed by accident when his vest slipped down a bit when I was changing him, so just check the torso when you're changing him to make sure there's no little red spots..

:pray: hope you don't get it.

But other than Ryan's cough and sniffles which I assumed were normal anyway, they thought he had a chest infection (related or not I don't know) I had no idea about the poxs til I saw the red dots and even then it was only the day after that I was really sure. He was waking up in the night too, but as above, not sure if this was related or not.
Tia turned into the devil child in the morning... screaming, biting... come evening time she had a massive temp, next days the snuffles...the day after little blisters on her leg (after the whole meningitis fiasco...I panicked and ran her straight to the doctors) who said... Oooo thats Chicken pox.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: and by the next day she was COVERED in lil spots... just like Ryan... :rotfl: its quite cute really...:) Chicken pox is one of those rights of passage all kids have to do.. :) And its so much better that it happens earlier rather than later.
I never really noticed and symptoms with my 2 little ones just noticed the spots. Jess whos 7 though was complaining of being dizzy and weak on the day I found her spots. It was exactly 14 days after Aimee and Nathan were exposed that they came out.
Finleys been off colour for a few days really clingy and moany, with a slight temp. Josh had the same, its taken 2 weeks for Finley to get it off Josh

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