Exclusive Bf'ing....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Has anyone exclusivly breastfed for 9months + ?

i was talking to our pediatrition and she was saying that it can be a great benefit to wait to introduce solids untill around 9months (minium) and allow their digestive systems to mature.

I was thinking of trying to get to 9months before introducing food. I'd love to exclusivly BF till a year.
I exclusively breastfed for a year (no formula), but introduced solids via BLW at 6 months. I think the previous poster is correct to say that baby's iron stores are all used up from their birth reserves at 6 months, hence the need to introduce solids then.

In my experience, I had a not very hungry baby, but even she was starting to show an interest in food (apart from boob) at 6 months - I also liked the fact she could become socialised with the family and eat round the table with us.

If you do decide to introduce solids at 6 months or so, why not try BLW? Baby often eats just what s/he needs and controls own appetite.

Good luck!

Valentine Xxx
i know there was a US study not so long ago that suggested the ideal weaning age might be more like 10 months than 6 - i wonder if your paediatrician read it :think: :think: its thought that the baby's iron stores (that they're born with) are depleted by 6 months old but this is quite an interesting article suggesting that the current research isn't as watertight as can be assumed:

http://www.internationalbreastfeedingjo ... tent/3/1/3

obviously it only looks at babies up until the age of 6 months, but if we're being told to wean at 6 months because they no longer have iron reserves of their own and that's not true, then weaning at 6 months would then not be necessary under the 'lack of iron' reasoning.

if you're speaking to your paediatrician again, i'd love to know where she takes her info from, as I'm always trying to expand my scientific knowledge on these things! :D :D

midna's seed is over a year old and has barely eaten any solids at all. take your lead from your LO, you'll instinctively know what's right. :)

we have an appointment on the 29th....ill gather as much info from her as possible and let you guys know what her ideas are and where she gets them.

If i find her reasons inconclusive....i'll probably follow BLW around 6months. I have a horrible fear that LO will just drop the BF'ing on her own when i give her food...selfish huh! but i love feeding her so much too!
I haven't been to any LLL meetings for a while sadly but there was a lot of talk about how some children are choosing not to eat much solids before the age of 1 - and this is quite common. Breastmilk does contain less iron but it is so easily absorbed, plus if a baby has been exclusively breastfed since birth their gut won't contain any lesions for iron to escape like babies who recieve formula. Therefore there is no reason why they should be more at risk of anaemia then any other child.
When LO was around 4 months I was dreading for introducing solids as I loved (still do!) breastfeeding so much and didn't want 'competition' for my boobs.

However, LO started showing interest in food and I felt ready as well so we started mainly BLW at six months (mind though LO has been ill a lot past six months and for example at the moment only eats plain yoghurt and LOADS of boobie).

I still breastfeed and even though (when not ill) LO has dropped a feed or two breastfeeding is still a beautiful experience. I did enjoy waiting until six months before giving solids as it's far easier to be out and about. All you need is you, but when they eat solids you need their food, spoons, cup etc etc.

Good luck - do what feels right for you. Maybe if you wait until 9 months you could check with health professionals whether it was worth giving iron drops? :hug:
My LO started being weaned at 6 months- I started with baby rice etc but she refused the lot! I ended up being forced down the BLW route- which I have no regrets about as it allowed her to learn about her food and be involved in what she chose to eat and not eat- it's lovely to see! She started noticeably 'eating' more at about 7-8 months, before that she didn't seem bothered about eating- she just liked to play with it, gum it and spit most of it out! I'm sure waiting until 9 months would allow the baby's digestive system to be 101% ready for solid food, but it seems a bit harsh to stop them from mouthing/gumming/eating solids when they are already showing an interest and reaching out for food from 6 months or earlier. I'll watch this thread with interest!
my son ate very very little until he was around 11 months old. Most days he had no more than one petit filou a day.

It was not my choice - he just didn't take to food, so I was almost exclusively breastfeeding him.

It didn't do him any favours in the weight department though. He was a big baby at birth (10lbs 1oz) and was consistently in the 91st percentile until he reached 6 months old, but then from lack of solids he dropped a lot.

Now he's 16 months old and he's teeny. He wears 9-12 month clothes and his trousers are hugs on him - they fall down half of the time because his waist is so slim, and they're well long on him too because he's small in height. He's just so diddy.

He still breastfeeds but he eats a lot better now. He has at least one proper meal a day, and then he nibbles all throughout the day, a little here, a little there. Much more than he used to. He's still tiny though.

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