

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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I got so excited at work this morning. I was looking on the website which steelgoddess recommended (great site by the way hun :wink: ) and realised that I needed to tell work next week about my maternity leave.

I have drafted my letter for my boss and have recommended to have a 30 min slot with her on Tuesday to give her my letter and let her know in person my plans.

I am going to finish work on 24th July and put 2 weeks annual leave in so that my official maternity leave will start on 11th August and I am planning on taking 39 weeks off so I won't be going back until 10th May.

The best bit is though, that I have to fit all of my annual leave entitlement in before I finish work so I have got lots of holidays to take :D I worked out that not including bank holidays or weekends I will only have about 29 days left to work - how good is that? :cheer: I don't think my boss will think it's good though :wink:

Have you all thought about when you are starting your leave and how long you are having off? Who will be my maternity leave pals? :D

Yipee! Like you I have lots of holiday to take too so added it all on to the start of mine meaning I leave 5th June but mat starts 1st July so only about 5 weeks left so we should be buddies!! Whats your actual date for leaving?? I cant wait I hate working at the moment and will be sooooo glad to leave!xx
I handed in my letter today telling them i will be finishing on 21st July!! and before that i've booked some days and a couple of weeks in between. Just gota wait for them to confirm it all.
Nice one!

I've got to use up a full years annual leave too.

I'm leaving eary because of my hip pain, so I'm now going at 31 weeks (7th July).
Wish I could take leave! I worked out I would be able to start leave at about the same time too but instead I will have to work right up until I pop :( x
yay, well done you, it took me ages to be happy with my maternity letter. but i handed it in on saturday. when i went to work on monday i was expecting the boss to want to see me in the office to talk about it. but he didnt mention a thing! the whole shift! so at the end of the day i thought i better check if he got the letter or not. a

he said he had got it. but didnt mention having a talk or anything. i think he will be sending it straight to Human Resources, i dont think he knows how to deal with us preggie ladies!
HideiLu said:
Wish I could take leave! I worked out I would be able to start leave at about the same time too but instead I will have to work right up until I pop :( x
Ooooh I planned to take my holiday AFTER my maternity leave but after my boss looked into she said that their company policy was that you have to take it beforehand, which doesn't bother me as I'm getting quite uncomfortable and would actually prefer that!

But she also said that you are not allowed to work within 2 weeks of your due date... :think: Law or something... I'd get it checked hun, just in case! :hug:

You lucky bugger Lindsay! xx
Wow, not long left for you at all now Lins.

I'm currently planning on working up to 36 weeks, or 35 weeks if I'm struggling. I'll take 2 weeks annual leave then start mat leave.

I'm carrying over 3 weeks to next year to add onto the end of my mat leave or use during the last month of mat leave.

I'm taking a year off :D Half of which is full pay = hurrah :cheer:

I'm not on the count down to finishing, it's not so bad when you know that it's only for a few more months. Plus I want to earn as much dosh as poss to keep me going on the 2nd half of maternity leave and to buy the lovely baby things I've got my eye on :)
We've been saving money to go towards my maternity leave too so things shouldn't be as tight for us. I don't mind my job, I just can't wait to leave!!! I am looking forward to spending some quality time with Jacob before LO arrives. My boss has already said in a joky way that she hopes I am only taking 6 months off - she has said that I can take 7 off so that I don't come back at year end. I hope that she takes the news about 9 months ok :wink:

My original leaving date was going to be the 13th June but my OH is currently out of work at the moment although he is applying for jobs left right and centre. I figure I should put back my date until he is in work otherwise we'll be living on maternity pay!

Still if he gets a job in the next couple of weeks I should still be able to leave on the 13th :D
Wow where do youwork Bagpuss17?? My full pays only 3 months and Im taking a year but 6 months full pay :cheer: ??!!xx
I'd worked my maternity leave date about two days after I'd found out I was pregnant.... :rotfl:

I know it's very early but I put my letter in this week asking for it to start on 21st September so my last day at work will be 19th September, I suppose that's the only pain with having a October baby!!!

The other pain is that our holidays run from 1st December so unless I don't let DH have any holidays for the rest of the year, I won't have much annual leave left by September :( I am hoping to save at least one week though so that I can finish on 12th September. Now we're in May that means there's only this month, 3 full months and a half a month left!! :rotfl:
dannii87 said:
But she also said that you are not allowed to work within 2 weeks of your due date... :think: Law or something... I'd get it checked hun, just in case! :hug:

It depends on your job.... it may be company policy but it isn't the law... you can work right up until the day before your due date..

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