Ewan the dream sheep?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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Are they worth it? They are quite expensive so I don't want to get one if they are hit and miss like anything else...
I found it good for my baby, I've put it on and left him a few times now and it's sent him off to sleep. For me it has definitely been worth it.
I agree. I put my wee one down just as she's drifting off and the white noise lets me clatter about the room without her being disturbed! Also if she rouses in the night I just turn the sheep on and (sometimes!) she drifts back to sleep.

I got one second hand on gumtree, the guy said it gad barely been used as it didn't work for his kid. So that's an option if you want to try it without forking out?
Our little one wasn't really that interested, but then again we may not have used It consistently enough when she was tiny. Maybe you could get one 2nd hand? x
My almost 10 month old loves his ewan and we still use it every sleepy time x
Aria loves Ewan, he definitely helps send her to sleep.
We're massive Ewan fans in this house! Great for night time x
My lo isnt interested. She prefers her fisher price sooth and glow at a tenner! Ewan never worked for us
My youngest has the Fisherprice Seahorse one. He kept stealing his Brother's gloworm so my Mum bought him the seahorse for Christmas and he loves it! He's two so is good for toddlers to. No idea how much it was but may be cheaper than Ewan? :)
We had Ewan for my son and loved it, but- we found he became reliant on it to fall asleep and wouldn't self settle. I was constantly being woken up to turn it back on :roll:

But I will be trying it again for this baby and it's already sitting in the nursery waiting.
I love ewan...its defiantely been worth the money..just thinking tonight what a lufe saver..that said for us a white noise app on phone would do the job...wish ewan had a continous play button rather than stopping after twenty mins
We bought the Ewan comforter yesterday too which is lovely, Aria is too young for him at the moment but I think she will like him.
Thanks... I've just ordered one (and no doubt my toddler will steal it from baby anyway! Lol)
Can anyone give me an indication of how loud Ewan is? Joel will only settle with sound of the oven extractor fan going (and generally not apps on my phone), guessing Ewan isn't that loud?! x
There are two volume levels though so it might be ok. Also my partner works with sound as part of his job and he thinks it is less to do with volume and more to do with frequency (or something else technical) basically we can have ewan on, Hoover, hair dryer, clatter about besides her, watch a film with exploding bombs and things right next to her and she won't wake up but if someone presses the door buzzer then that is her awake instantly!

I was initially a little disappointed with Ewan as I had read all the rave reviews and expected it to work like magic and it didn't. It still isn't a miracle worker but I consistently use it before bed time and it seems to make her realise it is bed time and she does fall asleep. It definitely calms her and I found when I took her away for a w eek and she had to sleep in a strange cot having ewan there made her feel more at home x

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