There are two volume levels though so it might be ok. Also my partner works with sound as part of his job and he thinks it is less to do with volume and more to do with frequency (or something else technical) basically we can have ewan on, Hoover, hair dryer, clatter about besides her, watch a film with exploding bombs and things right next to her and she won't wake up but if someone presses the door buzzer then that is her awake instantly!
I was initially a little disappointed with Ewan as I had read all the rave reviews and expected it to work like magic and it didn't. It still isn't a miracle worker but I consistently use it before bed time and it seems to make her realise it is bed time and she does fall asleep. It definitely calms her and I found when I took her away for a w eek and she had to sleep in a strange cot having ewan there made her feel more at home x