

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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The last few days Evie has been really clingy- she has to be able to see me or hold me else she screams. I left her with my mum for a couple of hours yesterday and when I picked her up she had been crying the whole time. She looked so sad it broke my heart :cry:

I'm worried she's sensed what is going on with me and Jon and it's upset her. Before this weekend she's been quite happy to play with anyone but now it has to be Mummy.

My mum said to let her cry a bit when we're at home and not to pander to her needs but I don't think I can let her cry. TBH, I need her little cuddles at the moment.

Something's got to give though- I can't get anything done around the house. What can I do?!?!
Its a tough one. I personally feel that Evie is far to young to just leave crying. I would agree with what your Mum said if Evie was older but at the moment she wants her mummy, you are her comfort and reasurance and at this age they need that as much as possible.

Evie will settle down again soon, just go with the flow :hug:

T xx
Sam has been like that this weekend again.

He goes through really clingy phases, me and OH have argued about it loads he thinks Sam should be left to cry whereas I just cannot do it. I hate seeing him scream and get worked up into a state just because he wants a cuddle.

I just do what I can when Sam is like that.

Has she had her jabs recently?

I ask because the last time Sam was like this was after his first set of injections he had his 2nd set last Wednesday and he has been clingy and whiny ever since.
I would agree with Midna - by a sling and carry her around. I used to do that a lot: danica loved it, I really enjoyed and had most of the housework done. I miss it now... :D
Chester has been clingy the past few days. He had his 2nd jabs last wednesday so it could be that or it could just be a clingy stage there at. I dont mind tho, I love having cuddles (and I love the fact that its me he wants). I cant let him cry either. He's too little to understand and a cuddle isnt much to ask for is it!?
Logan was like that for ages, he's only just getting more comfortable spending time sat in his chair, or playing on the floor. I found my sling a life saver. Id have been stuck on the sofa all day cuddling him without it, he wouldnt even sit in his pram to start with if we went for a walk.
I think leaving Evie to cry would make her even more clingy and insecure. With lots of cuddles her confidence will grow and she'll become more independent :)
Aww hun, I am sorry...she probably is aware that you are upset and is looking to you for reassurance, she will be fine. Midna's advice is the best thing you can do, put her in a sling, gives you time to do some work and she feels safe.

Have some hugs, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


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