everyday life gestures


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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sorry if this sounds stupid, I know it might be, but can't stop worrying about it, and nobody is around to answer my questions, and you are always so supportive!...
can everyday life gestures affect the baby? I mean, like bending over to get something from the floor, laughing a lot, coughing, being in a car on bumpy roads, pushing in the loo (sorry!!!! :oops: ) etc, etc, etc?

When I am in the car, I can't stop putting my hands to support my tummy, and I try not to laugh too much...and I have just bent over (did not think before!!) and now, I feel a small pain on my side... don't know if it's related to the baby or to my worries!

anybody with an answer? am i too anxious? (well, yes, I know I am! :? )


Mel xx

Yes, I seem to to get achy twinges when I cough, sneeze, laugh etc and I seem to remember the same with my other 2 pregnancies. I really don't think these things are of any harm.........you are more likely to wet yourself when laughing and smeezing than hurting the baby!!! :wink:

Obviously you need to be careful with lifting etc and don't stretch yourself into any awkward positions but otherwise enjoy life and laugh a lot!!!

Much love
I was wondering this the other day. I was laughing really hard at something someone said and I just thought my poor baby being jiggled up and down. I sneezed a couple of weeks ago and felt something twang in my bump and I couldn't move for 5 mins. It was so sore. Apparently it was my ligaments so everytime I sneeze I put one hand over my mouth and the other supporting my bump. I was on my own and the dog was just staring at me lying there going ow ow ow like I was mad!!! So much for lassie!!

Like Kerry said you have to be careful lifting byt everyday stuff should be ok, your body will soon tell you that its not right. I bent over to tie my shoe lace and my tummy hurt briefly so I won't do that again.
thanks Kerry and Beanie,

at least now, I don't feel so ridiculous!

i know I have a tendency to get over-anxious on things...me being away from home, and close friends i guess does not make things easy! i forgot the sneezing! that's one which got me really worried 2 days back! i just could not stop, and it was so painful!
i am so anxious that my brother-in-law is just gone to buy me a book: "what to expect when you are expecting"!!! :lol:
will share good tips, of course!

again thank you for taking me seriously!
love and take care

Mel xx
I find the worse thing is when I have been sat down for a long time then get up. I get a real twang low down in my tummy......I have now learnt to stand up more slowly and carefully.

Much love
I always get up slowly these days! I look like an OAP! I am actually looking forward to the day when I can jump up and down, throw myself about, etc etc without worrying!

Don't worry about things like laughing and sneezing an dgoing over bumps in the car, but do be careful when bending over. Not for the child, but for the health of your own body. Everything relaxes when you are pregnant andit is really easy to put your back out etc....

Try to crouch down when picking up, even if it is to pick up a feather. You don't have to lift something heavy to put strain on the back.
I get a twinge if I sneeze, I mentioned it to my midwife and she said it's normal and wont affect the baby.
If you know your gonna sneeze i found it helped to bend over and hold my belly didn't have any pains at all then, or if you're lying down bring your knees up :)

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