Eva's 9 month check


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Eva has her 9 month check last week (can't believe how quick it's gone)

The HV said she is going to be tall and intelligent. She isn't overweight just a big girl for her age :rotfl:

The test that they can grip things with their index finger and thumb rather than their fist and Eva has been doing this since she was about 6months so her reflexes are good.

she's not too interested in walking, ( i think it might be cos her legs are bandy :( ) she can crawl and sit though.

seems to be more brains than brawn my girl :lol: HV was impressed with her words (she can say mamma, dadda, nanna, yeh, hiya, bye and psss for the cat). :oops: I hope nobody minds me posting this, don't want to sound like i'm bragging about her or anything. Just wanted to share cos I'm proud of her and I love her to bits! :hug:

p.s mental note - she also has 2teeth on the bottom which she got at around 7 months (I'm noting the major things here cos i haven't updated her baby book and I don't want to forget!! lol)
:D That's great,and you don't sound like you're bragging at all,just a very proud Mommy of a very lovely,clever little lady!! :D :hug:
I don't blame you for being a proud mommy, Eva sounds like a little genius, (brains and beauty :D )
Yay, well done to Eva. I don't think its bragging at all, its good to be proud :D
wow she's done really well hun got a little genious on yuor hands!

Ella had her check she was doing everythng she should be, Ella like Eva is not overweight but is a big girl, she said her height and weight are in proportion which is the main thing.

well done Eva - did you get the book start books?
hey hun Eva sounds like an extremely clever girl
and u should brag bout her :D
hey Yvonne - feel like I haven't seen you in donkeys :lol: how you doing? Remember when you were bouncing on your birthing ball and I didn't know if i was in labour or not? those were the days :rotfl:

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