episiotomy/tears - UPDATED pg2 - NO WONDER IT HURT SO MUCH!


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I had an episiotomy but 5 days on, my stitches still hurt, I’m in constant extreme pain. I have not noticed any significant improvement. I’ve had them checked by different midwives and a doctor and they’ve all told me that the stitches looked absolutely fine, they’re not infected and I should try and bear the pain for just a few more days with pain killers. I just wanted to know how long yours took to heal? And can you please advise any solutions (positions etc…)
Awww its not nice is it. I had a tear which took about a week to stop hurting but I could still feel pressure on them for a further week or so. I had a salt bath every night and Ive heard a little lavender oil can help the healing process :hug: :hug:
aww :hug: :hug: i was quite lucky i only had a small tear 2 stitches and they didnt bother me longer than 3 days.
but iv heard salt baths and arnica (some kind of herb, i think) can help. and ice packs! also, as ur breast-feeding most of ur vitamins will go to make milk first, leaving u with less for healing (similar to when preg) so take extra supplements- u need vitamins and minerals to heal.
hi hun dont know if you can still get it but i had epifoam after i had kieron and it is like a shaving foam that you spray on your pad and it had local anasthetic in and i can tell u it was a god send maybe try you chemist tomorrow but i highly recommend it
I remember it well, mine hurt for a while after (i had a tear), i found baths with lavender oil every day helped a bit, in the end the midwife took a couple of stitches out just to try and ease the pressure and it was great!!
thanks ladies. i will try the lavender oil. i'm noticing an improvement but it still hurts.
:hug: no tear/episotomy for me, but hugs for all you lot cos I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be :hug:
I tore with my 1st and I had about 4 stitches. I was uncomfortable for about 3 weeks. I used to have a salt bath everyday. My stitches never dissolved though when they were meant to and OH took them out for me :oops:
Salt baths are the way to go... I had loads of stitches after Tia was born.. and they were done in surgery so were quite tight... and when they started to heal that is when the started to hurt more... But the salt baths definitely took the edge off the pain.

My stitches never dissolved either... I had to get the midwife to remove one of them, because it started to pull and made it extremely uncomfortable.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had an episiotomy and when I was being discharged from the hospital the midwife gave me a bottle of witch hazel and gauze. I kept the witch hazel in the fridge and every time I went to the toilet soaked some gauze in it and put it on top of my maternity pad. It was so soothing and I have to say I healed really well.
I know how you feel

when I had paige they cut me open 3 times and i ended up with 30 stitches,, the worst was when I went for a wee i use to cry in pain, all mw said was hold a pad there and it wont sting so much.. never helped though.
the other option was to have a bath 3 times a day with a drop of salt in.
i just use to take the tub thing into the bathroom and pour it in the bath, no1 actually said how much to put in.. obviously you want enough in there to help heal.
good luck
I had an epi with my first and hugs hun, I know how your feeling! as all the ladies have said above, lavender and salt baths are the way too go and paracetomol of your taking them, there safe for breastfeeding as far asI know.
Tea Tree Oil, Lavendar Oil and Salt (lots) in your bath, and soak for a good while.
Arnica, Calendula, Hyericum and Staphisagria Tablets (safe Homeopathy whilst BF'ing)
Air your bits often!
Wear cotton, comfy, underwear.
Drink plenty of water to keep your bowel movements regular and soft too, or take linseed, its natural so safe whilst BF'ing.
I healed quite quickly following those, but obviously everyone's different, I really hope you feel more comfortable very soon!!
Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
How are you feeling now babes? Better I hope. xxx

No wonder it hurt so much... my sister told me yesterday that while she was doing the episiotomy, the midwife told my mum that she had accidentally cut a bit of my skin (which was not meant to have been cut) but that it would heal 'quickly'...
My mum didn't wanna tell me in case i panicked, but now i understand why it hurt so much.

Thanks for ALL the advice though. I'm felling much better, i tried lavender oil and it's fab.
i'm scared to try the salt cuz i'm not sure about the quantity and i'm scared it might sting a bit.
Probably not the best advice, but my friend was in the same situation as you are and in the end it got that bad that she got her DH to cut out her stitches :shock: she said that it was instant relief!!

Well at least you know why you are in so much pain and that there is not another under lying problem for you to worry about. :D

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