Epiduran through a tattoo?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Hi girls

Just wondering if any of you have any experience on past babys or raised the issue this time?

I had been told that it is dangerous to have a spinal needle pass trough a tattoo and google has lots of medical reports saying how it can cause all sorts of problems but that they may not yet be discovered as they can take years to surface eg melignant tumour in ur back

So i asked the consultant at my app yesterday and he had never heard anything to do with it? his exact words were "starts with B and ends in ollox "LOL but as he said he is not a anastetist

So im pretty confused, i dont want to let them go ahead if there is a risk that they are not aware of but dont want to go trough labour with no pain relief either ( im alergic to codien so can not have petadine either)

Thats the strangest thing I've ever heard? On what clinical basis would it be dangerous? x
Apparently if the ink gets into the spinal fluid it can cantaminate it and cause infection and even to the point that the ingredients of the ink can be carcenagenic but the report i read said it would take many years for those effects to be seen and because it would be so long the link between the cancer and the epidural may not be made

I mean there is so little research on it but just makes me nervous
Im nearly sure mine went through my tattoo ?
Never heard of that before! I'd be stuffed as most of my back is a tattoo lol!
i think the tattooest would have to tell you things like that, but would the ink really get into the needle then into the spinal fluid x
How interesting just googled it , seems there is some truth in it though and the aneasthatist would try and avoid a tattoo! but as you said not much research has been done into it x
Like Sarah my whole back i the one tattoo there are no free places anywhere near my spine so guess il just have to make the decision and go with it

Apparently the epidural needle is hallow so the skin gets pushed trough into the spinal area but obviously the skin is part of your body so not gonna cause any problems like a forign body, i did just read on anothe article today that they can sometimes make a nick in the skin and enter that way, obviousy it would leave a little scar on my back but defo worth it i think

Tineytoes glad to see yours went trough and your here to tell d tale lol :)

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