england game


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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Darn..my antenatal class which they are having as an all day class rather than several small sessions just so happens to be this saturday....when england are scheduled for a good hiding from portugal! :shakehead:

i have to go because this is my first baby and i havent a clue what to do during labour..and i want to learn all the breathing exercises etc....:(

does anyone think england have even a slight chance of beating portugal btw coz maybe i'm being non-patriotic and negative but i think they will make us look like idiots!
I don't think we stand much chance, Portugal have played very well so far. I get very stressed out watching us play - its so nerve-wracking, we don't seem to be a strong team this time round, and soo many injuries too!

Unfortunately I have to work weekends so I won't be watching it. I certainly think you should put your baby before football and go to the class! You win some and lose some.. :wink:

god yeah it was never of a question of missing the class..just wanted to see the game coz i really think it'll be our last. maybe the excitement might bring my labour on..lol just kidding!
i'll do with the highlights :)
i think that unless they get ther act togeva were screwed but we have got to have one good game in the world cup!
and that is sure to come soon
As long as Sven doesn't play that donkey Crouch, we stand a chance!

Don't forget 2 of Portugal's key players are of with red cards. Portugal have been quite good, but their last match (Portugal V Holland) wasn't impressive at all.
Also, we owe them from Euro 2004 :wink:

Saying all that......its England and as much as I love them and watch every match (including friendlies), it always end in heartbreak. Unfortunately, I can't even have a consolation beer this time!!
Have a weak shandy hun..thats what i do! not as good but better than a coke! lol
yeh that useless lanky waste of space crouch will probably be playing..and dont forget portugal still have maniche...dangerous son of a gun! Sven shouldnt have sent home Defoe..what a waste!

we owe them from 1966 you mean..we havent beat them since the semis in 66..40 yrs its about time we sorted them out!
lol.....totally agree about Defoe (I'm a spurs girl, so must agree!). Why oh why he chose crouch I don't know. He's not even good enough for Liverpool and seriously has problems standing up!!

Will def have to have a shandy, good idea hun :D

Didn't know we hadn't beat them since '66 :shock:
We really do owe them then!
fran_23 said:
we owe them from 1966 you mean..we havent beat them since the semis in 66..40 yrs its about time we sorted them out!
Noooooo, stop talking about 1966 :wall: :wall: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This is why the Scots dont support England.
I dont even know what happened in 1966.

(All meant in good fun btw)
Im gonna be positive and say I think we might actually do well and go on to win Portugal!! 8)

(Tomorrow when we lose feel free to say I told you so lol!)
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
i think that unless they get ther act togeva were screwed but we have got to have one good game in the world cup!
and that is sure to come soon
Well it'd better be tomorrows game then cos they wont get another chance!!
I thought it was because of our media?!! (hehe, I've read too many Tartan Army posts over the years! :wink: )

Honestly just a coincidence that we haven't beaten them since '66 and nothing to do with 'you know what'!. (Which I don't know why Motsen and the like go on and on about :roll: . I was born in '77 so as an England fan I've seen nothing but heartache and disappointment!!)
lol..i will be pleasantly surprised..but i want to be a good supporter and say i think we will win..its just england do this everytime i am expecting things like red cards and fouls for them to blame losing on!

lauramum01..i know what u mean i dont usually harp on about 66 its just that happens to be the last time we beat portugal...i know its sod all to do with the current team but it is time we beat them really!
my partner is scottish, and makes me watch all the celtic games even though i'm a chelsea fan! lol
fran_23 said:
..its just england do this everytime i am expecting things like red cards and fouls for them to blame losing on!

lol....and the 'We Woz Robbed' headlines! :wink: :roll:
haha exactly..its so predictable..oh yeah and rooney will probably hurt his injured foot and have to go off..hes out 1 striker we'll be stuck with donkey boy!!
Misslarue said:
so as an England fan I've seen nothing but heartache and disappointment!!)

Aye, and us scots have been banging them in. PMSL :lol:
fran_23 said:
my partner is scottish, and makes me watch all the celtic games even though i'm a chelsea fan! lol

Ah my lovely Celtic, its just music to my ears :D
Well I am sorry, I am going to be very positive and say YES we do stand a chance!!! We have to play well at some point, why not make it tomorrow?!

My OH will be flying back from Ireland from a wedding, so he is mega gutted he will be missing it!! So I have to record it for him......although I bet they announce the score on the plane :lol:

I too will be having a shandy, only one tho as I am having one now :wink:

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