Engaging Baby?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Sorry I know this has prob been posted many times before, but how do you know when baby has engaged and what is the process? People keep asking me 'has baby dropped yet?' Ive no clue really. I am feeling added pressure down below and in my hips! xx
The midwife will be able to tell you at your next appointment. My baby has been head down for 3 weeks now and i asked my mw yesterday if that ment she was engaged but she had a feel around my tummy and said she could still move the baby around so she isnt engaged. Im not sure if you will feel it for yourself as i didnt notice with my first so not sure what to look out for. Hopefully someone else can help you more but this is my personal experience
Like soozy said the mw can tell you if LO is starting to engage. I didn't feel any different when Charley started to engage, he was still up in my ribs and i didn't feel any different in my pelvis. Sorry i can't be much help but if it's your first baby, i'm sure your baby has started to engage! x x
Your midwife can tell you. She'll have a feel for the head in your pelvis and tell you how many /5's it is.

0/5 is fully engaged and on its way out
5/5 is not engaged at all

Mine is hovering between 2/5 and 3/5 so knows the exit route but has not quite settled fully down yet.
It was my OH who noticed that my LO had dropped, he looked at me one day and said that my tummy looked lower down :D So she has been head down for a good few weeks now and has even started to engage :D MW says she's getting a move on early, hehe.

Ive dropped a ton, But at my growth scan baby was still floatin free, i dont think she even realises there is an escape route! Lol, At my midwife appointment she took my hand and had me feel what she was feeling for aswell, and explained how it should feel if there was a head sittin in there etc which was awesome! but i still dont think she is anywhere near engaging :p she is enjoying her bubble to much to come out and play! She keeps shifting sideways again aswell, She did turn head down for the scan but i think she has gone back to breech again, or if not she is giving it a damn good try!

Other reason i dont think she is engaged.. is i dont get up all night to pee!! lmao. Everyone else seems to be getting up every couple hours to pee, i can still last the night!

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