

Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Just wondering ladies with first babies at how many weeks did your baby's head start to engage? Am a little concerned a i have zero engagement at 37 weeks (with my first) and a couple of books seem to say it should have started/happened by now :cry:
32 weeks here but for some (even first time mums) it doesn't happen until labour. Try not to worry hun - ask your midwife if you're worried. Don't read too much in to the books - everyone is different!
Lucy didn't engage at all! When I went into labour she wasn't engaged. My midwife wasn't concerned about it at all.
Don't worry. My MW told me even first babies sometimes don't engage till labour starts, its not a problem.

FWIW mine was engaged a few weeks back but was only 3/5 engaged last week at my 39 week MW appointment. MW said may even pop back out as has room to wiggle still. She is not worried in the least, so I'm not going to either :)
I was:

* 0/5 engaged at 35 weeks
* 3/5 engaged at 37 weeks
* 3/5 engaged at 39 weeks
* 3/5 engaged at 40 weeks when I went into labour!

I don't think it means much though.
lol my son (6 now) was engaged from month 7 till the end lol he didn't want to come out tho cas he was 2 weeks late :roll:
im nrly 38 Wk and he still isn't engaged :( not to worry tho, he'll come when he's ready!!
melissa was my first baby and she wasnt fully engaged until i was in labour! i called the MWs out 2 days before the birth as i had effacing pains and i thought they were contractions. when she examined me she said "babys not quite fully engaged yet"! im only 5'4" and my hips are quite narrow so i put it down to that- as i heard first babies engage from about 34 weeks or something really early (millie was still breech at 34 weeks! :roll: :lol: )
I saw my midwife at 36+6 and baby wasn't engeged...I had Evie at 38+4 so she must have engaged at some point in those 12 days! :lol:
Mine started at 36 weeks but I still went 10 days overdue, don't worry hun every baby and pregnancy is different xx
Tia didn't engage at all... until I went into labour. I turned up at the hospital to be examined and the midwife said she hadn't engaged.
my first started to engage around 38 weeks and i went 9 days over due with her

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