empty sac????


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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just writing this for one of my friends, wasnt sure which section to put it in but anyway....

My friend is 10 weeks pregnant and apart from a positive test she hasnt really had any symptoms. When she went to the doctors to confirm her pregnancy they told her they wouldnt repeat the test as the home test shed done was proof enough.

About a week ago she started having dark pink discharge which carried on for a few days and turned into heavier bleeding but not with pains. It didnt have clotting either. She rang the hospital who said she wasnt to go into the maternity ward, she had to go to out of hours GP centre instead.

By the time shed been examined the bleeding had died down and the doctor told her there was no evidence of a miscarriage or anything like that.

Heres the weird part....she went for a scan today and they told her they could see the sac but they couldnt see anything in it. I asked if she'd ever listened to the babys heartbeat but she hasnt. The doctors told her that perhaps the foetus is too small to see but at 10 weeks I thought it would be visible.

She did a pregnancy test when she got home as obviously she's confused and the test was positive. Now she has to wait 10 days for another scan but she's really worried, just wanted to ask if anyone knows about these things so i can put her mind at rest.

Any help appreciated, kirsty xxx
When you say empty sac the only thing that comes to mind is blited ovum, which is where the egg is fertalised but it doesn't stick, mean while the sac in which the egg normal continues to grow in keeps on developing - or something like that, you might want to further investigate on the internet. One of my friends had a blited ovum and didn't find out until her 12 wk scan! Hopefully for your friend things will turn out more positive, fingers crossed :pray: !
Sorry to hear whats been happening to your friend - I'v enot heard of it before but if I were her and be going back sooner and asking for someone to check everything just to put my mind at rest.

Fingers crossed she will be fine.

S. xx
Hi my sweet,

This might not wanna be the answer you want to hear for your friend but I had an emergency scan yesterday as I had stomach pains and my baby was WELL visible, I could see the heart beating, it moving around etc. The baby measured 30mm. Im 10 weeks tomo. I really suggest you tell your friend to see a GP or go to the hospital as it doesnt sound quite right to me. I do hope all is ok, I know how worrying it is when you think there could be a prob with the pregnancy. Wish her the best of luck and keep us informed.

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