Is this normal?


Sep 27, 2007
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My ovulation was around 11th sept and on the 25th, my home pregnancy test shows positive. I went to the doc on the 26th for a scan. All the doc could see was a thick lining in my uterus, no pregnancy sac visible. He did a test and confirmed that I am pregnant. Said for me to go back to the clinic the following week for another scan.

Is it normal not to be able to see the pregnancy sac at this early stage? So something is wrong and the doc is not telling me.
I think it might be too early. I had a scan on Wednesay when i would have been 5 weeks and so many days and the sac was only 9.1mm - that is tiny! I think if you had a scan only 2 days after AF would have been due this may have been too early to see anything. Are they sending you for another scan soon? I have another one booked for the 4th October - so just under a weeks time x
oh im worried now...a bit at 6 weeks the sac was 6.9mm even smaller and at 8 weeks 17mm which midwife seemed ok with, is there any guide to what sizes yr baby should be at and when ?
Blimey, you got a scan that quick?

TBH, I'm not sure I'd want one so early anways as I'd probably worry if nothing were to be seen. I'm going on less is more atm :lol: I'm about 8 weeks. I'm waiting for my 12 week scan now, which will be my first. Depending on timings, they may offer me an appointment anywhere between 9 and 13 weeks, so shall have to be patient and wait :roll:

Good luck next week though. Hopefully they'll see something more, but it may still be too early.
I had one at 4 weeks - a tiny black dot was all they saw

Had one at 5 weeks - all they saw was a gestational sac & yolk sac

Had one at 7 weeks - was a bigger sac & a baby & a heartbeat

so you are probably fine xx
Ya, am probably at week 4 so should not be worried about not being able to see the sac. :D
I had a scan at 6+2 and the embryo was 5.5mm and there was a heartbeat..
tots hope said:
I think it might be too early. I had a scan on Wednesay when i would have been 5 weeks and so many days and the sac was only 9.1mm - that is tiny! I think if you had a scan only 2 days after AF would have been due this may have been too early to see anything. Are they sending you for another scan soon? I have another one booked for the 4th October - so just under a weeks time x

Was suppose to go for a scan today but chicken out. If all in order, I would probably be able to see the sac but dun think there's a heartbeat yet. Probably go for a scan next week where am guessing, I should be in my 5th week. I know I'll be more at peace once I see that little heart thumping away :D
I had scans very early on and they diddnt see much to start with. They asked me to go back 2 weeks later and then they found the sac and 3 weeks after that they found the heartbeat.

Im one of these woman who is constantly bleeding during pregnancy therefore ive had more trips to the hospital than hot dinners! and have scan pictures from every stage.

It is quite normal hun so please try not to panik.

Tiggy xxx
I went for my scan yesterday. Scan shows that I am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant and the sac is 17.8mm in length.

Will be going back to the hospital for another scan in 2 weeks to check baby's heartbeat.

Spent the whole weekend sleeping and vomiting. Breasts are sore and tummy feels acidic. Sigh..... gona be another long bad pregnancy for me. Last kid I had 7 years ago, I vomitted for 7 months. :(

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