emergency trip to a&e


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Hiya - shocking evening!

Have been in pain all afternoon and rang nhs 24 when I got home and they told me to go straight to a and e so through tears and panic we drove to dundee ninewells and were seen and told to do a urine sample and they analysed it and said I had an infection. I am still worried as they didn't do a scan, they said it was common but if i was still worried to phone midwife tomorrow to get a scan which I think we are going to do!

I have not posted any symptoms as I would like anyone who has experienced this type of infection to tell me theirs so that I can compare and put my mind at rest (how weird am I!)

On a brighter note, oh was so intent on getting to hospital that he overtook a car doing 30mph in a 30 zone at 50mph - it was an undercover policecar!!!! :rotfl: and we all know what oh does for a living! - luckily the dude just flashed his blue light and carried on!!!

so...what are the symptoms...

(p.s. I am so glad I have all of you, big huggys :hug: x)
Haven't had the same thing, so I'm gonna be completely useless with that, just wanted to say.........Awww hunny :hug: :hug:

Hope you are feeling better soon, and def get the mw to book you in for another scan to put your mind at rest (& give you another peek at bubba!)......Bless you OH for speeding past an undercover copper!! :rotfl: (Don't know what he does for a living but I would hazard a guess at police officer?)

you guess right wmmylou!! how funny :rotfl: thanks for the hugs i need them tonight! :(
missac said:
you guess right wmmylou!! how funny :rotfl: thanks for the hugs i need them tonight! :(

Here's a few more then babe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: good luck with mw tomorrow....hope she books you in for a quick scan rather than "yes dear, we have an appointment in 3 weeks time?!?!?!?"
crikey I hope she doesn't say that!!

ooh, and sorry for calling you wmmylou :shock: !!!!!!!!!
Oooooooooooo is it a UTI? I was reading somewhere that these are really common in pregnancy, particularly the later stags. My cousin had one a month or so before her baby was born. Tilly is now 5 and doing really well! No idea what your hubby does - is he a traffic warden? Let us know how you get on :hug:
he is a poilceman!! will let you know when the scan is x
I had a UTI at 10 weeks & had NO symptoms at all. I didn't even know until the doc phoned & asked me to come to the pharmacy to pick up some antibiotics!

I would call the MW... even if all's well you may get to see the baby again!
I had a UTI (onlu mild) I had really sharp pains in my nether reions especially when I walked, oh and smelly wee wee, which OH loved no end it was him who told me to go to Dr's actually cause I was just waiting for it to pass but he goes ''can you go to the DR's were going away with my dad and bro next month, I dont want them thinking your a pissy pants and dont wash''

lovley hey!

Glad everything worked out ok and :rotfl: at overtaking a copper
missac said:
he is a poilceman!! will let you know when the scan is x

Of course lol :)

*keeps fingers crossed for scan* and hope you get a scan very soon!
maybebaby said:
P.S. Mmm, men in uniform!!!!!

he is rather handsome in his uniform!!!!!

my symptoms sound a lot like that jennywren, aint it grand!!!!?
missac said:
my symptoms sound a lot like that jennywren, aint it grand!!!!?

oh aye its bloody wonderfull is this pregnancy lark :think:
Oh missac! :hug: :hug:

hope you're feeling a little better now :hug:

You take care, put your feet up and relax :sleep:

Make sure OH looks after you!

Hope m/w goes ok and she manages to get you a scan!

Take care! :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your feeling better soon hun xxxx
missac said:
crikey I hope she doesn't say that!!

ooh, and sorry for calling you wmmylou :shock: !!!!!!!!!

I'm sure she won't....sorry I really didn't mean that to worry you babe ?! :wall:

Also, don't worry about the 'wmmylou' I've been called worse, stick to 'Em' if you like - its easier to type x :lol:
I had a uti when i was 32 weeks with Aimee. I had no symptoms apart from cramping pains. I thought i was going into labour. Luckly i was in hospital at the time with my bp so it got picked up. Hope everything goes well for you.
Ahh hun I know exactly how you feel, the same thing happened to me yesterday and scared the cr*p out of me :shock:

I had a midwife appointment on Friday and she said I may have an infection and was going to send my wee away for testing, but I was not to worry (I'm a real worry wart) as it was very common in pregnant women.
Anyhoo, yesterday I went with my mum to visit my granddad in Sussex. I had an on/off dull ache, just to the left of my belly button for most of the day, but on the 2 hour journey home, it became a strong constant pain that was tender to the touch. Cr*pped myself as the baby wasn't moving that much, compared to normal.
Phoned my doctor (my midwifes phone was as always on answerphone :x ) who said come down straight away. He listened to the babies heartbeat, which was fine :D and tested my wee again. Turns out I have an UTI, which can cause stomach pain, so has put me on a course of antibiotics. I've got to put my feet up (I don't need telling twice! :wink: ) and if the pain was still here when I woke up this morning (which it wasn't) I was to go back, but fingers crossed its all looking good!

Good luck today with your scan :hug:
I have had a few Uti's in the past although not since pregnant..i got pains in my stomache and a burning sensation when weeeing and it made my bits very sore.

Hope your feeling better

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