Embarressing moment...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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As it says, i had a embarressing moment today....fainted in a sandwich shop!! i've never experienced it before, has anyone else had this happen to them? i went all hot n sweaty then saw black n white (the kind u see when u first turn a tv on?) was on my own n it was horrible!! they were going to get me an ambulance but i said no, it could be cause i'm anemic (if thats how its spelt!) n my blood pressure use to be low, should i still report it to my midwife? xx
Oh dear! Its never happened to me, but I know it is very common in pregnancy. I would mention it to your midwife anyway, just to be on the safe side xx
It might not be anything serius hun but I'd let your midwife know anyway, just so she can make a note of it incase it has any significance for anything that happens at a later date. Just to be on the side of caution really. Hope you're feeling better. xx
I would report it.
I have had a near miss twice with this, same symptoms as you (but without the fainiting bit at the end) I'm not anemic but my blood pressure has got a little low for me 104/58 last time they checked.
Might be worth getting your bloods and blood pressure checked again x
Thanks girls,

I told OH n hes booked a few days of so he can help me but i am gonna book the midwife tomorrow, my nan said its the "quickening" and i shud be feeling r little spud very soon ( i hope!) but she did say its best to get it checked out xx
I've felt funny at times but never actually embarrassed myself in public by unfortunate events. I have even managed not to throw up in public despite bad morning sickness for a while.
Luckily i havent had bad sickness (touching wood fanticly!!!!) but got sickness bags in my handbag just incase!!! lol x
Luckily i havent had bad sickness (touching wood fanticly!!!!) but got sickness bags in my handbag just incase!!! lol x

I never thought of sickness bags lol! If I ever decide to go through all this again then I am definitely investing in some lol! I just used to carry toilet roll round with me pretty much everywhere :lol:

I would report it to your midwife just so you are keeping her informed of everything :) xxx
I got them of my sister in law, shes a airhostess for easyjet! "people in high places" n all that!! LOL

I am going to tomorrow gonna book an appointment with her, i'm keeping note myself in a diary of everything that happens, keeps my mind at rest too xx
That happened to me in my last pregnancy. I was sat on a side facing seat. Had the same sensation as you and fell forward breaking my nose on the seat in across. The driver had to report it and bus was due to pass hospital within minutes so he dropped me off outside a&e doors. I did feel a bit off it that morning but i'd promised my little girl new sandals so went into town anyway.
This time so far i'm ok.
I'd report it just to make sure and get ya iron levels checked.
Ouch that must of hurt! Did u not go in? Was nice of him to drop u of!!

Just found a huuuuuuuuuuuge bruise on my bum! I must have gone down like a giant sack of spuds! :/ lol x
Yes I went in and I had it checked out. I woz ok ... Just in need of some rest and something to eat. But it could have been so much worse I suppose. No chance of passing out through lack of food this time. I never stop eating
Definitely report it hun. Whenever I feel faint I sit down on the floor, don't care where I am, it's better than implanting my face into concrete xxxxxxxxxx

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