Embarrassing problem!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Over the last week I have felt really wet and swollen down bellow :oops:
Has anyone ells had this before I totally embarrass myself with the midwife again? I did'nt like to say anything at the hospital as it was a male doctor!
i went to my midwife yesterday and she said to me i may feel swollen and feel pressure down there in a couple of weeks as the baby is moving down! dont know if its any help to you but thought id tell ya :)
I've got that now! I'm only 20 weeks, more after bd'ing :oops:
I had that hun it's just pressure from baby and all the extra blood pumping around there and like Kirly i found it was worse after bd'ing xx
TMI ********* But I wiped down there yesterday and it was so swollen it felt like it was "bulging" out! I had to ask hubby to have a look! :oops:

He said it looked "normal" but was swollen!

I am so glad someone else has asked this question becasue I would never have dared talked to my midwfie about it!!! Also I have noticed more discharge and actually thought I was leaking at one point! But I am not..... :oops:

Oh I am so glad its not just me!
Thank you all I feel much better about it now, I did'nt want to ask the midwife to take a look :oops:
I have noticed my discharge has gon watery in last week or so...Mentioned it to midwife yesterday and she said its normal.

She said if it gets concerning, ring hozzie if I suspect waters have gone.

Sounds normal babes xx
Yeh, i'm not swollen but my discharge is a lot more watery. I noticed it yesterday but didn't think too much of it. Apparantly your waters can break gradually so you can have little dribbles, maybe a daft question but would you have pains aswell? Your waters wouldn't break without you knowing....... would they?
babyjay - I too was worried about this!!!!! I hope someone with more experience can asnwer this!!!
Found this bit of info on the net...not much but hope it helps!

If your waters have broken, you will notice you are leaking or damp all the time. There isn’t really any ‘normal’ leakage during pregnancy, but sometimes at the very end of pregnancy you may find that you leak a bit of urine. Amniotic fluid doesn’t smell like urine, it has a slightly protein-like smell.
This is how to tell if your waters have broken:

1. Empty your bladder.
2. Pull up your pelvic floor muscles.
3. With tight pelvic floor muscles, bear down – as though you are trying to empty your bowels.

If you leak fluid, it is likely to be amniotic fluid. Incidentally, if you think that your waters have broken, you must get into hospital even if you have no contractions.
oer!! :shock:

I might go and try that in a min then!!! ( I have got a really bad mental image of girls everywhere trying it! hahahah) To be honest I think mine is just a lot of discharge :oops: but it always plays on your mind doesn't it!!!!

Yeah! I wouldnt worry too much hun. Most people I have spoken to have literally heard or felt their waters 'pop', im sure its not that common for a woman not to know.

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