embarrasing baby question

mrs h

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Ok for the past 2 weeks judah has 'discovered he has a willy'
In that i mean he keeps touching himself in the bath and laughing his head off.
And now hes doing it more and more all the time.
Im trying not to make a big deal of it and i just ignore him when hes doing it but he has started ripping at his nappy when i put a fresh one on so he can do it.
How long does this phase last?
If he is anyhting like my OH I would say well into his 20s at least ;)

Seriously though Seren loves the fact she has a tuppence and still likes to be nappy free and she is 20 months. Don't be embarrassed, he's not hurting him self or anyhting

Kiara does this all the time they are just curious little things :)
A friend of mine told me that little boys are more comfortable with that area of their bodies because they are taught to handle it when they go to the loo. A little girl will be told to keep her hands away from there, normally! I know I was.

The only reason I would want Naomi to keep her hands away from there would be that it tends to be dirty and she then puts them in her mouth. I think that it's great to see children comfortable with their bodies.

I had a problem once with a pupil who "played with herself" a lot - she had special needs. I remember reading at the time that it's natural behaviour, and there is nothing wrong with doing it at home from time to time, just that the child should be taught not to do it in public.

But what I usually do is keep Naomi's hands busy when I am changing her nappy by asking her to hold the sudocrem or the wipes or the cotton wool or a small toy or whatever. It generally works!

But it's no harm hun. Bless him!

My son is exactly the same. I think it is natural tbh and I just let him get on with it. I think it is just a part of his body and thats that. TBH he doesn't get to see it very often due to wearing a nappy so I think it is 'new' to him at the moment as well.
:lol: Harrison is the same, he pulls it, puts it inbetween his finger and thumb and twiddles it, flicks it :lol: I think its hilarious and I let him get on with it, He isn't doing any harm and im sure if it hurt he'd stop
Nathans always pulling at his. It looks so painful some times but it doesn't seem to bother him. When hes sat up with no pants on he just scratchs his nappy and pulls chunks out of it. Aimees 21 months and when she has no nappy on she just sort of pats herself, it must feel strange to them being able to touch.
my mum said my dad used 2 hav baths with me when i was little until i started trying 2 grab his willy! he soon stopped :rotfl: think it freaked him out a bit he never got changed infront of us even on holiday! think children are just curious, its all very innocent

Thats funny you said that trixipaws cuz Bernie used to do thatw ith Kiara until she was like whats that and grabbed :rotfl: it freaked him out now he wont change or pee in front of her tooo funny!!!
OH and I made a decision that he would start covering up around Naomi, she would look at him and her eyes would drop to that area and you could see "what the f*** is that" written all over her face, it's too funny. She grabs my breasts too, and pinches my nipples when she gets the chance as well as pulling whatever hair comes to hand, chest, leg or head!

trixipaws said:
my mum said my dad used 2 hav baths with me when i was little until i started trying 2 grab his willy! he soon stopped :rotfl: think it freaked him out a bit he never got changed infront of us even on holiday! think children are just curious, its all very innocent

I was them same when I was little, I used to bath with my older brother until I got a terrible case of "Penis envy"! I was obsessed mum said, she had to prise me off him pulling him down the bath by his willy shouting "I want one :shock: :oops: :rotfl: "...I used to follow him everywhere, watching him when he peed...then it all came to an end one day when I pulled the waste bin out, dropped my pants and tried to wee into the bin, like I had seen him doing into the loo....I ended up with soggy feet, and wasnt impressed. After that, I grew out of it :wink: ...Oh until I hit my 20s when I was suddenly willy obsessed again :wink: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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