Embarassing wind


Feb 14, 2007
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Hi all, hope you are all well!
I am currently 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby and as well as the stomach cramps, backache, morning sickness etc etc etc, i have been suffering with trapped wind for 3 WEEKS!!
Anyone else suffer from this problem? Its causing me some real pain, which in turn is making me feel even more sick! Just worried, can't wait to get to "safe time"!
Also didn't expect to be getting backache this early - will there be a time when i will bloom and just be ale to enjoy my pregnancy, the more pains i get the more worried i become as i am not sure if it is all normal!?

Don't worry Jen its 100% normal sucks doesnt it but hey at least you know we are all hear to listen to your woes and join in with them as we are all pretty much in the same boat lol

Welcome to pregnancy the worst yet best 9 months of your life :wink:
Thanks make me feel slightly more normal now! Think i am going to be one of those nurotic pregnant women worried about everthing! lol :lol:
I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 8 months and he has never heard me do a bottom burp until the other night!
He did something that made us both laugh and I was laughing so much I farted but it wasn't a quite one, more like a big loud manly one!
Like i said welcome to the club lol

Wanna know a secret summit to make ya feel less barmy?

I still do pregnancy tests even though i've had 2 scans and seen my baby :rotfl:

So now how normal do you feel :wink:
Funny you siad that about doing more tests! I was thinking about it the other day - i have to wait until March 16th till i see my midwife for the first time, so how do i know between theni fi am still pregnant, was thinking of going to cash and carry and stocking up on testing kits!! lol :lol: Or the other suggestion of buying a heartbeat monitor, but that would definately send me over the edge! No mind going into hospital, think i may end up in a mad house! he he
When I had my first scan, the midwife told me she could see my left ovary fine but the right one was blocked by my 'bowel gas' :oops: :rotfl: I was mortified!!! Yes I know I am constipated and have trapped wind, I didn't need to see it on the screen!

And then I actually woke myself up the other night with my 'bowel gas'!!

It's all fun!
Oh never, could just imagine that happening to me!
I find the time when i can release it (so to speak) is the time when for instance my boss is in my office. In this case i am making a quick dash to the toilets and letting rip! ha ha ha :rotfl:
Well glad i joined this forum, has been very enlightening so far! :lol:
Am going home now to sleep - Spend most of my time in bad, but just for different reasons now! lol :lol:

Speak again soon!
jennywren1982 said:
i have been suffering with trapped wind for 3 WEEKS!!
Anyone else suffer from this problem?

Still am at 19 weeks!
think thats what i had this morning... I have never had trapped wind before but I gave OH a valentine treat this morning :oops: then when we finished i jump up run to the toilet and puked!!!! then had to CRAWL back to bed cos i had cramps all round my lower back and belly!!! Atractive hey!!! :rotfl:

FeeFee and Jen :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I've had a scan, seen the midwife and I almost did a pregnancy test the other day!
The things we do eh?! :rotfl:

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