Ella - 2 months old today!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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My little sweetie is two months old already today! We 'celebrated' ;) by dressing her up and going shopping for a nursery rhyme book, some tops for mummy so I can look smartish when breastfeeding in public and then Ella had some mummy milk in the M&S cafe (ha I am getting brave!!)


She then ruined her little princess look by coming home, have some expressed milk on Daddy and pooping for britain all down her leg :D
She looks a happy wee bunny... I love her outfit :D
Oh, well done for bf in markies :wink:
Happy 2months' Celebrations!!!
Emilia xx
Ella is beautiful, she looks so pretty in her dress.
Awww happy 2months Ella!

Love her cardy!

Well done on the bf, you're right about the tops - I'll have more confidence if I have the proper kit then I'll feel more confident.

She is really cute!!!!! You are brave for breastfeeding in public , am too shy to do it :oops: silly i know
wow she is beautiful!

and thats no ordinary breast feeding....thats M&S breast feeding :)

well done!!! I managed to make and feed Isaac a bottle at the weekend in our camper van on a day out in Brighton and I felt all proud and brave lol

The gay guys loved it!!

Lou :)
and thats no ordinary breast feeding....thats M&S breast feeding
:lol: Too true. She decided to make this massive lip squeeking noise aswell, so if people didn't look before then they were bound to after that!

She is really cute!!!!! You are brave for breastfeeding in public , am too shy to do it silly i know
Not at all. That was my 3rd time since she was born, I've been making myself do it in public rather than in the feeding rooms as I need the 'practice'. I cover the side of my boob and her head with a muslin, so you can't see much. I have my speech all prepared in my mind if anyone says anything derogatory to me about it aswell - god help them!! :lol:
She looks so pretty, LOL about the poop. Good for you bfing in public, have only managed it twice but will get there x

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