EEK! Question...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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NickyB said:

NickyB posted this pic in another thread - Out of interest I just checked what Evie's position was at my appt on Tuesday, and it was OP :doh: (I didn't know what it meant until I saw this diagram).

So... She is STILL back to back!! :( AND, the MW did tell me her legs were straddled like a frog and that her arms felt as though they were up by her head *GULP*

If she does engage, can she engage with her arms either side of her head? Making it that I have to give birth to a head AND arms?! If so, I'm having a bloody epi :rotfl:

I'll have a vagina like a wizard's sleeve after all this :wall:
My sister and one of her kids were both born with their hand by their face. She bled a little but nothing too bad.
My daughter was born with her hand by her face, not surprised really, she had her hand by her face in most of the scans :roll:

Because of her position, I got a 2nd degree internal tear from where she scratched me on the way out :(

BTW, I'm another one who had a dream about you the other night! I dreamt that you delivered Evie in a bush and Sherlock was your midwife! I don't think it means anything :lol:
Thanks ladies!! :hug:

OMG Poppy!! :shock: Freaky shizzle! I feel very chuffed that all these women are dreaming about me! I feel really priveliged! lol :D

Beatlesfan - Thank you! lol :lol: xx
well i think thats a good position- she will probably turn in labour a lot of back to back babies do because of all the pressure when the uterus is pushing down on them- don't be worried hun at least shes not breach or double breach like me!my poor mum had to give birth to me i was born bum first i was sitting down with my legs over my shouders and they didnt know till i came down the birth canal too late for a section- ouch! and she was only 16!
I wouldn't worry about her hands being up by her face - she won't have much room in there to put them anywhere else! Babies do turn at the last minute - Becky went back to back when my labour "officially" began but was back in a good position by the time she was fully engaged, ready to come out!

I remember the midwife at one of our antenatal classes telling us about a baby who came out not only waving but screaming! She got such a fright because normally they don't cry until they're fully out but this baby had a hand by its face and was already screaming blue murder with just its head out!
ROA, ROL, ROP, LOA, LOL, LOP : All these mean the baby is head down, on your right (R) or (L) side, with the back part of their head (occiput) to the front, side or back.

Your baby can still move around in there fwiw. Galen kept flipping from ROL to LOL so often right up to the day before he was born. I used to feel *really* uncomfortable when he flipped and knew exactly where his back was and could feel his bottom, feet and hands. He was lying LOL when my MW saw me on the Weds and when she came out on the Friday he was ROL :)

Get on your hands and knees and rock back and forth, at least 3-4 times a day for at least 20 minutes at a time. Also don't slouch as it encourages baby into the curve of your spine back to back. Sit tilting forward with hips higher than knees. All good for encouraging baby into a good position. Sleeping on either side will help also.
Isaac was in the optimum birth position at every scan and MW check up until labour where he went back to back then sideways :roll: baby can certainly still move right up until birth and so try not to worry about it, until you're in labour and dilating she can still turn :hug: :hug: :hug:
Evie was born with her hand up by her head- i only had a small labia tear and FWIW I don't think I have a bucket fanny... :think: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
back to back - no idea where her hands where though. I only had a small graze - no tear or anything. TBH i recon how ever you give birth it must still feel lose down there for a while! do your pelvic flor and it helps it get back to normal.

All the pressure was in my backside, like i needed a HUGE dump.
Sam&Alice said:
TBH i recon how ever you give birth it must still feel lose down there for a while!

i'm actually tighter than ever... to the point where, nearly 6 months on, it still hurts a bit to have sex :( :oops:

needless to say OH is thrilled!! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wouldnt worry hun everytime i see the consultants every two weeks, she has changed position, 2 weeks ago she was back to back, this time around she was head down laying sideways on the left hand side with her legs to the right and she moves from side to side so i have a huge mound when she does it lol!
Sprog was back to back, but no-one realised 'til he was out.

Plenty of time for her to turn during labour xx
Dont worry yourself hun, she still has plenty of time to turn in labour. Some babies dont even engage untill labour too.
both mine were back to back, episiotomy (sp?) with paris and 2nd deg tear with harrison
dannii87 said:

LOP baby looks happy, ROP baby looks pissed! :rotfl:

I have no idea what way Aimee was. I just remember being high as a kite and shaking from the epi! :doh: She was back-to-back when I was 38 weeks so I used my birthing ball and by week 40 she had turned. I could see her big bum sticking out the right side and then shoot over to the left side when I was in the bath.

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