Eeeyyeee twiiiitch!!!!!!! Grrrrr!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Ok I'm so bloody angry I wanna rip my f*cking eyelids off!!!!!! Had a twitch in my right eye lid for three whole days now and it makes me so angry!!!! PLEASE someone tell me what I can do to stop it!!!! I've pinched slapped rubbed etc and nothing!!! I have no idea if it's something to do with pregnancy or not but I gotta ask!!!

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Are you low on potassium? That can be a cause, maybe eat some bananas lol
Can also be related to tiredness and stress x
I get this sometimes (not pregnant) and it's when I'm either tired or stressed, it's horrible isn't it, not sure how to stop it though other than taking some time out and relaxing for a bit
I'm not sleeping very well but dont feel overly tired... Defo been stressed!!
Ooh I love bananas so I'll grab some when I drop Jaycee off at her mates party :) thanks :)

Just so irritating especially while I'm driving!!

What are we all like - you with your eye twitching, Sarah with her leg cramps & me with my bum cramps loooool - we're all falling apart.

I get this when i'm not pregnant, not as long as 3 days right enough. Is very annoying, esp when you think ppl can notice it.

Be careful with the driving!!

Tell me about it!! I have to take Jaycee to a party now and the mums r gonna stare lol!!! Keep away from the crazy pregnant woman with a twitch lol!
:lol:honest to god youve just made me lol youre expressions are just like something Id say, I think I posted on here the other day "Id rather take my skin off with a potato peeler"

OK so Im not laughing at you babe its just the way youve written your post. If its any help I have a throbbing fanny and not in a nice way!!!!

Hope it stops soon xxx
Haha!! It's ok laugh away!! If I don't laugh I'd cry :lol:
Tesco was manic so I drove in and drove right out again!! I'll get some bananas when it's not busy lol! It's still not stopped :( eased off now it's bedtime thankfully or I think I would rip it off lol!!

Hope ur fanny feels better soon lol!xx
If the bananas don't work give a magnesium/calcium supplement a try. Good luck!
Thank baguette I will :)

No sign of it today :cheer: had a better night sleep last night.. Kids stayed at mums n me and OH watched pirates of the carribean 3 so pretty chilled evening.. Think it's my monitor keeping me up at night it constantly buzzes :( may need a new one!!

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